Last week, I ran a marketing mojo workshop for clinicians in private practice. We ran through some of the issues that you’re likely to face as you go about marketing your practice in an effort to bring clients in the door:

–> What do I focus on first?

–> How can I find an approach that feels right for me?

–> And… how do I know what’s actually working?

Here’s the thing: Unless you already have an established practice (i.e. where the referrals are flowing in on auto-pilot, you’ve got a solid online platform and an engaged audience)… You are wasting your time trying to build up passive income and focusing solely on online marketing activities to grow your business.

Why? Because you’re trying to master one to many before you’ve mastered the art of selling and marketing one to one. 

Now I know that the idea of putting yourself out there sounds scary. And if you’re like most of the clinicians I know (hey, I’m an introvert at heart too), then the idea of networking meetings makes you want to puke a little.

But the thing is… building genuine relationships is the fastest, most reliable way to get referrals for paying clients through your doors – fast.

And I teach you how to do it inside My 5 Favourite People. No sleaze, no slimy tactics – just a proven system you can learn to build a professional network that helps you get the clients you need. 

So with that said (and since we’re about to close the doors on the program for March) I’ve received some questions lately about what sort of person would be a good fit for My 5 Favourite People (an accelerated group coaching program for clincians in private practice who want to grow their referrals).

I want to help you make a decision either way, and most importantly I want you to feel good about it. So what kind of clinician will benefit from learning my targeted system for networking and getting new clients fast?


1. You’re a clinician in private practice. You’re a therapist, a psychologist, a counsellor, a social worker, an OT, an EP, a Physio, a Speechie… who either owns a practice or is responsible for generating your own referrals inside a business.

2. You want to learn how to reach out to people for referrals without the awkwardness, without feeling like a mooch and actually… build some real relationships with people that will help you not just grow your client-base, but feel good about it too.

These two are pretty non-negotiable.

If you don’t need clients, and getting clients is not a source of income for you, then you should definitely close this email and go look at something more fun, eat an ice cream or treat yo’self in some other way.

But…. if you identify with just one of the following:

  • You know you need to reach out to people but you aren’t (at least not consistently) because you feel awkward and don’t know what to say – or who to reach out to in the first place
  • Your practice is full, but it’s full of the wrong clients for you. You want to learn how to bring in your ideal clients – the people you love working with
  • You’re too busy working IN your business and you feel stagnant because you haven’t been working ON your business enough lately
  • You’re frustrated with all the different ways that you’re being taught to market and grow your practice; your attention feels scattered and you’re not seeing any results (how’s that blog going?)
  • You simply just want more client work than you currently have, and you want to bring in new clients in the most effective way possible, with a system and a support group that will guide you every step of the way….

… If you can tick just one of the boxes above, then I KNOW that you will benefit from My 5 Favourite people – which is why I stand by it with a generous 90 day money-back guarantee if it doesn’t work for you.

So far, everyone who has participated in the program has made back their investment (and then some) by using the strategies we teach – people like Catherine, who had 4 new clients in the first week of the program:

“Before working with Jo, I was uncomfortable about putting myself out there. In my 5 Favourite People, I have received referrals from the contacts I have reached out to, and now I have much more confidence in doing so. This program is such an effective program to really help you go beyond your doubts or concerns in reaching out to a network of people and sharing with them about your practice.” – Catherine O’Brien, LMFT

Then there’s Brad, who made back more than 10x’d his investment in the course in referrals…

Not to mention Karen, who just told me TODAY that she’s earned more than $15, 000 in new work directly as a result of implementing the 5 Favourite People strategy (I’ll be adding her testimonial to the sales page soon!).

You have nothing to lose. We start next week – and you can join us here.

Here’s to your success,


P.S. I genuinely believe that the strategies you’ll learn inside My 5 Favourite People will change the way you connect with others. It’s the fastest way I know to grow your practice, increase your income and see more clients, hands-down. Where could you be in 3 months time?

With My 5 Favourite People, you’ll be confident in your ability to network, build relationships and attract the clients you love working with. You’ll never break out in a cold sweat again when someone asks you, “so what do you do?” because you’ll have a confident answer that knocks their socks off every time.

I hope you’ll join us – when you’re ready, here’s the link to get started.

Being called to level up in your Private Practice?

Here is how you do it.

Thank you for joining me. I look forward to being of value to you.