This week I interview the fabulous Sherry Shockey Pope, co-founder of Central Counselling services  Riverside California and the creator of Therapy Practice in a Box.

Sherry, along with co-founder Jill and two other staff members from Central Counselling services came to the Success Mindset Masterclass in 2016, where we had a lot of fun, but really got to address some of the barriers, and “head trash” that was getting in the way for them personally and also for their group practice. It was an incredible honor to serve Sherry, Jill and their vision for their business.

Many people would agree that Sherry is already successful. So why did Sherry choose to come to the Success Mindset Masterclass in 2016, and how has this helped her to not only grow her business, but also to ask the new questions that will help her level up so she can keep growing?

This is a candid interview about the loves of private practice, the frustrations of private practice, and how Sherry has applied Understanding YOU (the first module of the Success Mindset Masterclass) to her work and her life – which has allowed her to create and launch her own private practice tools, resources and coaching services for newly graduating clinicians.

Check out our interview below:

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(If you’d rather listen in to the audio file or download it for later, click here.)

Why Sherry chose to come to the Success Mindset Masterclass:

  • I want to grow but I didn’t know how
  • I don’t like making mistakes, I don’t like wasting time, I don’t want to waste anyone else’s time
  • To become a better leader in my business
  • You don’t know what you don’t know
  • Being with like-minded people

Sherry’s key learnings from the Success Mindset Masterclass:

  • Integrate my staff in decision making while still being the leader and making a decision
  • Took back control of my time, as I was letting my business run me, more than me running my business.
  • Address the money issues that are still there (they are always there)
  • Fear of doing my numbers, why this was an issue, let’s just get it done.

Biggest change for Sherry in the last 12 months:

  • Adding staff to Central Counselling Services
  • I wrote a book for my program
  • Creating my program to help coach and train new graduates to learn from my mistakes

Plus, watch to find out what is Sherry’s one thing that she thinks every clinician in private practice needs to know…

Oh and it was so much fun completing the my end of the interview in the dark – (thank you energy saving light globes!)

So, dear private practice owner…

Knowing yourself is a foundation for the ability to create a platform for success. We can’t create a formula that says, “have all of these attributes and then you will be successful” – because it doesn’t exist.

You can however learn about who you are, how you will best perform under pressure, and how to get the best out of yourself. When you have this sorted, then we can lay the foundation to grow a mindset for success – YOUR SUCCESS.

Understanding YOU is the first module of the Success Mindset Masterclass happening on September 14-17, 2017 (early bird seats are now on sale, and you can save $300 on the price of your seat). 

Jo Muirhead presents... (2)

Learn everything you need to know about the masterclass here.

Here’s to your success,


Being called to level up in your Private Practice?

Here is how you do it.

Thank you for joining me. I look forward to being of value to you.