As many of you know I speak to clinician’s every week. I love inspiring and encouraging clinicians to be the best version of themselves.  That fills me with joy.

You see I know that healthy, happy and fulfilled clinicians mean healthy happy, transformed clients… Healthy happy transformed client’s will bring about the change we need in this world we live in.

You might think that I am delusional with this thought, but I’m not.  I am certain that to bring about the change in physical, emotional and social health that we all long for, is to start from the inside of the clinicians doing this work, and then our influence will extend to the people we serve.

However, there are some people who just do not want to change.


You know this right?  You’ve had client’s before you that will just not change.  They won’t try to change, they won’t think about change, they are defiant in the face of change.  Please leave me alone, please keep me safe, please let me stay where I know exactly what is going on… is the cry of their heart.

Sadly, I see a lot of clinicians making the same decisions.  We can talk for an hour, we can build a lifestyle plan that will provide for them financially, physically, emotionally and fulfil their desire for connection and professional development.  They can see it, they can feel it, and almost taste it – but… and this is the part where I get sad, they just won’t or can’t take that next step to do something differently.

So, if you are used to earning $50K pa seeing 40 client’s a week, being behind in your notes, never taking a week off, wondering when it’s your turn to hit the 6 figure mark, then well, the truth is – you need to do something you’ve never done before.

If you know how to generate a $500 pa revenue, manage multiple team members, have several streams of income, yet never have any time for your family, and wondering when its your turn to feel the peace and contentment that is supposed to come with a 6 figure practice, then well, you too need to learn something new.

You see what I know is this –  who I was, how I thought, and what I did when I was a $250K pa turn over practice is different to what I was at $350K.

Who I was, what I thought and what I did at $350K pa was different to $500K.

Again from $500 to $600K pa was different.

There comes a point when every successful clinician in private practice gets this…

  • I don’t know everything.
  • I don’t know what you know.
  • And I need to know what I don’t know so help me be who I want to be by doing the things I don’t know to do.

This is why we have an age of coaches, mentors, consults and advisors.

The successful modern solo business, micro business, small or medium size business owners all know that they need help – and that without a willingness to change, grow or get a tad uncomfortable NOTHING will change – but everything will stay the same.

Staying the same is safe. It might be really good, and it might be the best thing for a reason.

However, I can assure you that you won’t stay the same, you will go backwards.  You will plateau for a while, but then you will go backwards.  Because the fears that keep you from moving forward, the uncertainty, the scariness, the self doubt – you see these things will grow, and then they will be magnified, so that you will invariably go backwards.

I know this – I’ve lived this.  I’ve watched people live this.  And it seems to happen around the $500K pa mark for pretty much everyone (just warning you).

So, if you are truly interested in in change – then you will need to seek advice to help make change occur.

You don’t know everything.

That’s why you haven’t arrived yet.

And it’s OK – seek help.  After all that’s what you would advise your clients to do.

So, if you are ready to change, then I’m ready to help you.

How, well that’s why we need to talk.  And we can do that by you taking the first step and using this link to book in FREE Consultation with me.  Yep its free!  Why? Well I can explain that to you when we speak 😊

Looking forward to sharing with you.


PS here is that link again.  YOU know what? Sometimes it’s the tweaks, the insights and the perspective of another person that Drives us forward with exponential results.

Being called to level up in your Private Practice?

Here is how you do it.

Thank you for joining me. I look forward to being of value to you.