From Burnout to Breakthrough: 5 Tactics for a Healthier Future in Allied Health – The Entrepreneurial Clinician Podcast

Welcome to the final episode of Season 4 of the The Entrepreneurial Clinician Podcast. It has been a season full of raw, real and honest conversations about burnout; the experiences that led our guests to experience burnout and how each was able to recover from it and restructure their work and lives so that they can now do the work they love, and thrive. 

So in this episode, Jo recaps each episode and finally shares 5 tactics you can implement to mitigate and manage your psycho-social safety in your work.

Special thanks to our podcast sponsor, Practice Conquest!

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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And welcome to this, the final episode in this season of The Entrepreneurial Clinician, where we have been talking about very real, very raw, very honest, very personal stories of burnout us as health professionals. It’s been a long season and it could have been longer if I’m brutally honest about it. And I have received so much very personal feedback from people thanking me for collecting the stories, for creating a safe way to share the stories, because people have been learning, they have been affirmed. We’ve got experiences being normalised and it’s really created a sense of hope for people. So, yay us. That has been really cool. 

Before I get into this episode any further, however, I would like to acknowledge the Darug people, the people who are the original inhabitants of the land in which I find myself. I am in the beautiful Blue Mountains west of Sydney. I wanna say thank you to the Darug elders past, present, and emerging for taking such great care of this land and allowing someone like me to be able to come along and appreciate it, participate in it. And I hope that I can learn how to look after it the way you have looked after it.

It’s also an opportunity now for me to thank Practice Conquest. In particular, Mateo from Practice Conquest who took a risk and became our first podcast sponsor. And I know several of you have reached out to him and asked for consultations, and I know he’s really thrilled to be able to serve you. So thank you again, Mateo, for trusting me and for being willing to work with me on how to encourage support, bring the types of services to the attention of health professionals all over the world who actually need help with things like Google Ads. If you dunno who I’m talking about, then please Google ‘Practice Conquest’ and look for the free offer that Mateo has put together. Basically he’s gonna do the work for free to prove to you that it works. That being said, you still need to pay for the Google component of that <laugh>. There is a specialised link available in the Future Proofing Health Professionals Facebook group, if you’d like to take advantage of that. I encourage you to do it. It just means that we can track where you’ve come from and Mateo can go, yay, Jo, look at what your podcast is doing. Because like many of us know in business in health, if we don’t have outcomes that we can measure, then we end up just whirling around in a soup that may not be very pleasant. And we wanna get out of the soupy bowl. 

So I wanna say a really big thank you to the guests who have been a part of this season. There were stories told that I had no clue where going to be told. If you’ve been on YouTube and seen the YouTube versions of this podcast, you will see my face and you will see my holy crap. Where are we going with this moment? And I think that is an incredible thing that we have been able to enjoy is people’s frankness, people’s vulnerability. It shows you that these are not highly polished interviews that we learn from each other, we learn from our peers. I am such a big believer in collaborative learning now. I can no longer be the expert and pretend that I know everything. I want to contribute to learning, and I want us to contribute to each other’s learning. I am so honoured by all of my guests willingness to be vulnerable. Thank you so much for trusting me with your stories. Especially those of you I’d never met before. Those of you who I may have spent some time with before, but you didn’t know where things were gonna go, and those of you who went, that’s not what I was expecting to say, but I’m really happy that we’re talking about it. So thank you guests. 

And if you’re on my email list, you will receive over the coming weeks a document that lists out every single one of the guests for this season and their offers or their resources that they’ve made available. It’ll be in one collective space for you because you probably can’t even remember who started this whole season <laugh>. So that’s what this podcast episode is gonna be about. It’s gonna be a recap of this incredibly powerful, incredibly hopeful, and incredibly empowering season of the podcast. 

So I started off <laugh> talking about my need for a sabbatical, which I am now happy to admit, was the word that I gave myself that legitimised my need to take time away from the busyness and the hustle of my work and the intensity and emotional load of my work to give myself time to heal. So not only was I recovering from cancer and the years of Covid, post-cancer, I’ve been living with a terrible migraine condition that has been uncontrolled and very debilitating.

And what’s really cool is that we’re in early 2025, and there have been some huge improvements to my health because I did the work I needed to do in removing myself from a lot of my work tasks and giving my brain and my nervous system and my body and my mind an opportunity to heal. It is my hope that we learn that we don’t need to actually remove ourselves from work to become healthy. That is my next part of my quest, is to create a way of working that is healthy for me, because I thought I knew it right. I thought I knew how to do that, and I probably have been incoming becoming increasingly healthy. But for me, I needed to really interrupt some patterns and I had to do that by removing myself from the environment that I was in. So I really do practice what I preach, and this is my value of integrity to my core and my integrity got stirred back in 2023 <laugh>. And that’s what actually started this period of sabbatical. I was I’ve talked about this before. We had the Future Proofing Health Professionals conference. And I got to the last day of that and was going through my own presentation when I had this huge realisation that I wasn’t walking my talk and I felt incredibly uncomfortable. And I rushed through it, and I rushed through the rest of it and went, I can’t serve the people in this world the way I wanna serve them if I’m not walking with integrity. I have actually gone through another period in my life back in 2007 where my integrity was very, very much challenged and questioned and out of resilience coming out of that, my post-traumatic growth coming out of that was that I was never gonna let myself be compromised like that ever again. So thank you for coming with me on this journey.

So the next couple of episodes involved Yolanda Harper and her incredible book, Soul Sabbatical. And I had had the pleasure and the privilege of helping Yolanda bring this book to fruition. And in doing that, I’d been reading it and working with her through on her thought leadership. And I knew that a soul sabbatical was what I needed, which kind of gave me permission to say, hey, I need a sabbatical, and how am I going to turn up during that? Well, her book gave me permission, it gave me structure, it gave me things to do, things to focus on ’cause there is an incredible workbook that goes with the actual book as well. And you will be able to find the resource for that on the show notes in the email that’s coming to you. If you’re on my email list and wherever you find your content from me, we know that Yolanda story, when she shared it with us, was all about the hidden costs in the work that we do.

So we know that there are hidden costs to our work intellectually. We expect it, we talk to other people about it, but it kind of bypasses our smarts and bypasses our emotions because we’ve turned it into a rational intellectual exercises. Our desire to help others in need always seems to outweigh our own need for care and our own need to be healthy in the work that we do. So when I talk about health now, I’m talking about our physical health. I’m talking about our emotional health, our cognitive and brain health, our spiritual health, and then our environmental health. All of these factors, all of these components make up our health. And coming through these interviews now, as I’ve re-listened to them again and taken notes as I’ve gone is Yolanda and I had a lot to say on overworking and over functioning. Which is something that I as a coach of many of you wonderful people and people yet to coach. This overworking, over-functioning theme is very common, and it’s a sign that something else isn’t working well. And overworking and over-functioning is often rewarded. We are praised and sometime even financially incentivised in our overworking and over-functioning, which quite frankly is just unsustainable.

So that was episodes 51, 52, and 53. Then in episode 54, we met Speechy Ed Johnson. And this is where I was first gobsmacked because I had no idea of Ed’s history. I actually asked him to come and speak to us about founders burnout after he had been a part of founding this social enterprise here in Australia called Umbo, which is a fantastic solution for a lot of our rural and remote community families. What I didn’t realise was that Ed wanted to talk about his burnout experiences as a new graduate starting out in his career, which is such an important and valuable conversation for everyone, for you, if you’re a new graduate, if you supervise new graduates, if you employ new graduates, like you really need to go back and listen to episode 54 because you wanna hear Ed’s experience, but you also wanna be able to put yourself in the position where you can see how his supervisors and the people supposedly providing care to Ed missed it in the moment.

And oh wow. We have an example now of how burnout can result in quite severe mental health considerations, but it’s not a death sentence for our careers. Like Ed talks about how he’s gone on to do quite remarkable things. Please don’t hear me minimising Ed’s experience here. That is not what I’m doing at all. He has gone on to flourish and become an influential leader in rural and remote healthcare delivery here in Australia. He now has an academic position. As I’ve said before, he has founded this organisation called Umbo. And he did all of that after this horrible experience of burnout that he had. So burnout doesn’t need to be the death of your career, but we do have to learn how to recover and what we’re going to take with us and what we’re gonna leave behind. So I’m really encouraged by Ed’s story because it’s not the end, but it becomes an end of working in unhealthy ways. The big thing that Ed did was that he asked for help. He didn’t try and do recovery alone. He actually asked for help. And that’s not easy. And if you’re an employer, I now challenge you to work out how to make it easy for your employees to ask for help because we think that we’ve got all these resources and tools available to people. We put up posters and signs and bathrooms and kitchens advising people of our EAP services or of a gym program that you are happy to fund for them. But how easy is it for people to ask for the genuine help they know that they need?

So in episode 55, we met my good friend, Dr. Nat Green, who shed a light on how becoming bigger wasn’t better or healthier for her and how in scaling back her multi clinician private practice, she has been able to grow in her own influence. She also shared with us her experience during the aftermath of the Port Arthur Massacre here in Australia and helped us contextualise what we often treat as professional experience on a day-to-day basis. Like, well, aren’t psychologists just expected to go and help people through these horrible mass shootings? And she helps us understand what it was like for her given this context of just keep going and how she went and found her own help. So if you’re an employer of health professionals, you also need to go back and listen to this episode and rethink how you are actually helping your staff stay safe at work, because the work we do is so much more than slips, trips and falls.

Angela Lockwood joined us for episode 56 where she shares the neuroscience of burnout. And this was an episode topic that was requested by a listener. And that got me really excited that people in this community now are asking me to provide resources on specific topics. That’s really cool. What Angela also helped us understand is just how far we have come in accepting neuroscience, accepting the neurology of how our brain works, because we’re asking questions about it and we wanna apply it to ourselves. And Angela shares all of this and all the work that she’s done with the background of having a history of a traumatic brain injury at age 17. I wanna say a big thank you to Angela because many people would totally miss that you’ve been living with a brain injury since you were 17. We also discussed how the word chronic refers to something that is three months in duration. Yet many of us as health professionals have been living with chronic stress for decades. And we identified why we neurologically find it hard to change unhelpful and unhealthy behaviours even when the we know these are not good. Which, as you might be starting to see, is why we keep working in ways that are unhelpful for us, despite thinking we know better. We know that the ways that we are working might lead to ill health or disease, but we stay with what we know because we’re already depleted, which is much easier than staying with the devil than having to organise, facilitate, and make change. In episode 57, this episode starts a growing theme that is so important for us to be aware of, which is how our workplaces are contributing to our experience of burnout and how we as leaders, as managers, as employers, cannot ignore the psychosocial risk factors in our own work.

We can’t assume that we know what they are. We can’t assume that our staff know what they they are. And we need a highly, highly individualised approach to helping people learn how to manage these risks in their work. We have a responsibility to help our people stay healthy in their work. Our work should not be the reason we can’t function. So Dr. Julie Bajic uses her experience as someone who consults into aged care facilities to help us from a distance start to see how the effects of things like emotional contagion act and of course become detrimental effects in our workplace culture. Now, it was my intention. I did this very, very deliberately. It was my intention that Julie’s interview with listeners that we could use her age care experience non-defensively, because then we could kind of go, oh, that’s really interesting ’cause it’s at a bit of a distance. And then be able to go, oh heck, this is also turning up in my workplace. Employers, practice owners. This episode has extremely valuable insights, <laugh>. 

And before we hear, I actually recorded that one and put it in in the sequence before because there’s gonna be another episode that we talk about thanks to Minke Van der Walt, which is a little bit more hitting us in between the eyes. 

Episode 58 was another one of these frank discussions with Brad Williams of Williams OT. And I really wanna take a moment to thank the men who stood up and were willing to be interviewed because men are kind of outnumbered in healthcare, in clinical work. And we know that it’s quite difficult for men to be vulnerable. So I just wanna acknowledge that it’s hard for any of us to be vulnerable. Let’s not say that, but let’s just give a bit of a hand to these guys.

So Brad gave us a very frank discussion of what it’s been like for him to have a very specialised occupational therapy business where decisions outside of his control could have totally destroyed his business. Not once but twice. Again, this was a very real and open discussion about how you fear that this is gonna happen. How a government decision on a Monday can have such detrimental and disastrous consequences for your business on a Tuesday or a Wednesday. And many of us have this incredible fear of what if that happened? Well, this episode exists to show you how Brad got through that, not once, but twice. And at the time of our recording, he was going through it again for the second time. So Brad, very, very skillfully provides us with a list of how to. I dunno if he realised he did that, but he did.

When I went back and listened to it’s like, oh my gosh, you’ve got the how-to’s of how to recover from something like this here. So how did his service and the decisions that the government made <laugh>, how did he deal with that? And why isn’t he under the desk in a heap, in the fetal position rocking forward? He just kept going. And the top two things that really stuck out for me is that, and how Brad navigated these situations was that he pulled his family in close. He did not let himself get isolated. And, if you know Brad and have talked to him or spent any time like his family is why he does things. So he got back to the roots of he of why I’m even doing this. And he kept his family really, really close. The second thing that he did was that he looked at and intentionally went about what was he feeding his mind? So we often talk about our nutrition in terms of what we’re putting into our bodies. He took that a step further and was listening to things that were motivating, listening things to things that were inspiring. He kept out of the way of things that were negative. He kept out of the way of discussions that were poor me, poor me, poor me. And he chose to focus and rebuild his energy by listening to things that were wholesome, nutritious for his brain. That is one of the things that we will often tell clients. I dunno how much of that we do for ourselves, but Brad’s example has really helped me go not watching that anymore, not listening to that anymore, not going over there anymore. How am I turning up to be a positive influence in this world?

Our next episode, number 59 with Shannon Heers. Now, this is one of the people I’d never met before, never met before, but I knew I wanted to include an episode on supervision or mentorship or peer consultation, whatever you wanna call it in this season because for me it has been a huge factor in maintaining my longevity in this work. Despite my experiences of burnout, despite potential traumatic events to me, ongoing supervision or mentorship, it’s not a nice to have, it’s a necessity. It’s where we are given perspective. It’s we decrease our isolation. It actually keeps us accountable to our work and to our ethical practice. And it actually addresses how we’re turning up. So some of the corners that we cut because we get lazy or we learn to cut corners, we all do it. It’s a neurological fact. It’s just how our brains are wired. We find an easy way to do something. If you do things often enough, then sometimes we can find ourself in a very unhelpful or dangerous for client’s place. The other thing about supervision and mentorship to other clinicians is it’s a fantastic additional revenue stream. And I once heard Bessel Van Der Kolk ask why we don’t seek out peer supervision more often. He does this to the point of having people critique his interviews with clients. Talk about being secure in who you are and the work that you do. So once we get over the very obvious issue around disclosure and sharing of client information piece, I personally think this level of accountability and willingness to build our own sense of workplace wellbeing will help us become so secure in the work we do. And we won’t be defensive when somebody turns around and says, Hey, I think you could have done this a little bit better. Or I’m a little bit concerned where this repeated pattern of behaviour may be leading you. This helps us maintain our health and safety in the work that we do.

Now, episode 60 with the delightful Sarah Gilbert, also somebody I’d never met before, was a fun episode about a very serious topic. So thank you Sarah. Now in this episode we talk about existential dread. Yes we do. And we did it with grace, we did it with humour and we did it with self depreciation thrown in. We talked about the joy of clients canceling or no showing, which is a bit of a double-edged sword. We talked about the fear of email and how that can actually make us feel quite nauseous. And we talked about the hope that no one else asks us to do one more thing at one more time because we are just so depleted that we don’t wanna have to be responsible for another thing, let alone another person. These are all signs that something is not working well in our work situation or the way we are relating to our work. There is also a really, really helpful discussion about how as an individual strength, like being a problem solver can actually become a problem. Like too much of a good thing. Too much coffee is apparently bad for you. I haven’t worked out what the too much is. Yeah, I do. I know for me more than three espressos a day becomes a problem. So this was a very practical episode with a number of actions to take and I still have my sticky note that reads ‘what is mine to do?’. 

Episode 61, both Minky van der Walt and I had some anguish about this episode. I can’t thank Minky enough for her willingness to speak into moral injury as a health professional. Now you’ve gotta understand Minky consults to health businesses. She consults to large organisations. I consult to large organisations, I consult to large health service providers. So for us to now turn the table of this discussion on burnout and actually help employers, institutions, systems within which we find ourselves and say, guys, we all have a big problem here. That’s a very vulnerable place for us to be. So Minky really helps us understand moral injury arising from the systems, the processes, the environments in which we find ourselves working in. And I know this episode was powerful because the comments that I’ve received from very, very thoughtful people about it. When I first started reading Minky’s work on moral injury, I knew that I had found the missing piece of the burnout prevention, the burnout recovery discussion. Simply put, Minky describes this as being a death by a thousand cuts. Ooh, my take is that we are like a healthy frog and we put the healthy frog into cold water and then we gradually turn up the heat for the water until the frog doesn’t realise it’s literally boiling. This episode to me is how we know that burnout for health professionals is a genuine work health and safety risk. We ask tree loppers and window cleaners to wear tethered harnesses while they work at heights so they don’t become injured during a fall. Or worse they might die. Well, what are we tethered to? Employers and health professionals, leaders in health, professional practices, please go and really listen to this episode. It’s number 61, so that we can stop blaming individuals for a health outcome that was caused by something way outside of their control. 

Now you may be forgiven for thinking the next episode is a trite example of what everyone regurgitates as the way we heal from burnout from the title which had in it simply ‘Rediscover Your Purpose’. Well, no Kayur in this episode turns his very personal experiences of feeling dis-ease, not being at ease with himself, as a clue to where he might have recognised that something wasn’t just quite right in a way that he was performing. His work care is an incredibly thoughtful person who provides insights into the phrase do no harm. We actually talk about that in some length and how he has intentionally integrated this foundational expectation of health practitioners into his work and the workplace culture that he now creates for others. Have we stopped to think about how our culture that we are creating for our clients, our employees and our customers, how that relates to the expected philosophy of do no harm?

And then the final episode before this one was number 63 with Dr. John Cummins, a GP here in Sydney who specialises in the health of high-performing career-driven people. So us he specialises in people like us. John’s story of how he consistently he uses himself as an example, is so helpful and enlightening and it’s normalising. It’s a normalising because John talks into his resentment and frustration at simple things like being asked out of why him out of a hospital that employed 5,000 people. Why did someone ask him that specific question on that specific day? At that specific time, I had to work really, really hard not to laugh during that conversation because I’m like, I get it, but then I’ve never been in a context where I’m one of 5,000 employees. He’s like, do you think it was me that was gonna provide this answer <laugh>, when really what do you wanted to say to that person? And was, I’m busy, I’ve got patients to see, I’m stopping people from dying. Stop bothering me. <Laugh> John also highlights the necessity we have of understanding our own stressors ’cause they’re different not to eradicate them ’cause no stress is actually unhealthy <laugh>, but to understand the risks to our own health that chronic stress creates in this day and age, I think we have generations coming through who feel ill equipped to deal with any workplace stressor. So they do everything they can to avoid any stress or perception of stress. That is my opinion, just putting that out there. But I think we’ve got some work to do in helping the younger generations coming through understand that the goal is never to feel no negativity or no stress. I think we have a responsibility of teaching people how we deal with this, how we manage these risk factors. And then we have those of us, and I’m gonna put myself clearly in this category who don’t even realise the levels of chronic stress that we are living with ’cause we actually think that they’re normal ’cause we’ve been doing it for so long. And then we judge others really harshly labelling them as entitled or lazy when really they’re judging people like us, thinking I don’t wanna be like her. I don’t want the health complications that Jo’s had. I don’t want to have to forego my own health, my own joy of life, just to serve clients. 

So here we are then at the final episode of this season. So what do we do with all of this information? How do we make sense of the stories we’ve heard or we’ve watched or we’ve listened to? Is it in one ear and out the other? Because it’s very easy with a podcast to be in the car or out for a run or on a treadmill or doing the cleaning and you just go, that was good, that was nice. I felt good in the moment. But when we don’t interact with the information again because I really, really hope not ’cause this is a bit of a love project for me putting this together. I hope it’s not for the clinicians in this world. I hope it’s not for the community who want us to be healthy, healed and whole to be able to help them become healthy, healed and whole. And I really hope that we don’t just put this in one ear and let it go out the other for our families and those that we say we love the most. 

So I’m gonna give you five tactics that have come out of this season as ways to mitigate or manage our own psychosocial safety in our work. Now this is not exhaustive, it is not extensive. It will not replace your work health and safety policy, but it gives you some clues and some insights on the sorts of things that we now need to be considering in our workplaces.

Okay? So number one, foster supportive connections and individually create your own community. We need to find this, ‘cause we can’t do this alone. In fact, isolation is a really, really big problem, a global problem. But we can’t be part of that problem. We need to find a trusted person or people who will help give us perspective while we go through the day-to-day run of the mill stuff. We want others who have our best interests at heart and can sometimes see those warning signs before we are even aware of them. And we need to have people that we trust enough and give them permission where we can say, could you please hold me accountable to this thing? Or if you observe these behaviours in me, could you please make sure you bring it to my attention? So these could be things like people starting to turn up late for work or the opposite of lots of over-functioning, over-billing overpromising over-delivering, turning up that, that was certainly true for me except that behaviour gets rewarded. I really, really wish that I wasn’t the main breadwinner for some of my previous employers and that they could now stand back and go, Jo, this is not okay. I can’t have you keeping doing this. You won’t be here in three months time ’cause I wasn’t. So foster supportive connections or for you as the individual create your own community. We have to spend the time. 

The second one is we have to spend time getting to know our bodies again. We need to learn how to re-listen to those signals that we have spent a career learning how not to hear because we wanna put the client first, ’cause we can’t show our reactions to most client situations in the moment because we’re so good at holding space for others. But we’ve got to get in touch. We need embodiment practices that allow us to go, that was really hard for me to hear. I feel sick and understand what that’s like for your body. The world is full of somatic practices. It could be yoga, it could be a specific breathing technique. For me, it’s as simple as taking off my shoes and walking on the grass at times. It could be craft, it could be art, it could be meditation, it could be journaling, it could be going for a run, it could be hitting the gym. But it’s gotta be something that bypasses our smarts, our frontal lobe. I am pointing to my forehead right now, <laugh> our well worn neural pathways so that we can actually remove our blank, do no harm face, and become the human who’s had a human experience.

Tactic number three, we need to redefine and reestablish what your healthy system of work is. Now this is tough as an employer, this is tough because it’s highly individualised. There is not going to be a one stop shop or a cheat sheet for an employer to tick off here. Sorry guys. I know that’s how much you love your work, your health and safety systems, but it won’t apply in this situation. The way I help my clients express this is to help them understand the way they will flourish at work. So they ask the question or they make the statement; boss, to get the best out of me at work, I need an environment or I need a process that will allow me to do this. You can start conversations. If you are the boss or the leader, you can say, how do we get the best out of you? Now, some people might not know or they might be terrified. Well, good news. There are some really cool tools available that help us do that. The one I like to use is extended DISC, which is not DISC, it’s called Extended DISC. I’m happy to chat to anybody about that if they’re interested. But there are some really cool tools around that help you understand yourself better. Because if we can’t get the best out of ourselves, how can we expect an employer to get the best out of us? So I actually talk to my clients about this. Now I say, how you’re going to get the best out of me? If you’re going to be a client of mine, is that you need to turn up on time. You’re gonna let me know beforehand if you need to cancel. Some clients have said to me, Jo, to get the best out of me, you’re gonna give me time to reflect or process on any request or any piece or any new information. Don’t always expect an immediate response. Another way I’ve had a client express this is please ask me if I can take on extra work before you allocate it to me. And if I say no then and you really need me to do this work, then show me the respect by offering to help me reprioritise your priorities. That’s such an empowering way for someone to learn how to get the best out of you ’cause one of the key features of burnout is not having control over your workload.

Number four is identify the behavioural implications of your workplace culture. The culture statement, hiding in your onboarding documents isn’t your workplace culture. Your workplace culture is the behaviour that you expect and then permit. If you value integrity and this is a part of your mission statement or your culture statement, but you don’t pay your bills or wages on time, then you do not value integrity. If you value collaboration, but you don’t create genuine opportunities for genuine collaboration, you’re gonna end up with a team of silos of highly individual practitioners who do not wanna do the extra bits of work in between. If you value customer and client engagement but don’t foster employee team engagement, then this is just plain confusing. So even if you are a single operator, you will have a specific culture that you create. And when we have a poor culture fit where values don’t align with behaviour, we will feel confused, unsafe, and we will quit. 

And the fifth tactic and is probably, yeah, I reckon this is important. You’ve gotta know yourself, you need to work. We all need to work with someone will help us learn how you best operate. So it’s kind of an extension of number three, but this is how we create sustainable practices within our work. So learning what your genuine strengths are, not by just doing the Clifton, strengths finder. Like what are you gonna do with that information? How do you behave when you’re stressed? And how does this specifically affect your work and those that you work with? How are you motivated? We all have different motivators and they’re not always the same all the time, which is again, why I really like using something like the Extended DISC behavioural analysis tool because it actually tells you, because you answer the questions and it actually helps you understand this about yourself. We all have a responsibility for ourselves and others. I’m not victim blaming here, please don’t misunderstand me. But how we do our work, who we do it with, the systems and environments we are in all are equally as important as each other. And it’s time that we really change this conversation about burnout for health professionals by putting it where it needs to go, which is it’s a work health and safety issue. And then it becomes a public health issue, which is what we’re gonna experience here in Australia when we have 200 public health psychiatrists resign on mass on the 20th of January <laugh>, which is what they’re saying they will do because they’re not being looked after by New South Wales State Health.

So it brings us now to the end of season four of The Entrepreneurial Clinician Podcast. I hope you have found this episode to be useful and gone. Oh, I wanna go back and listen to that episode. I wanna go back and listen to the other episode. Please, if you are not on my email list, go join it. I won’t spam you, I promise. Just go to the website, It’s right there in the middle of the front page. You, there will be more content coming that’s not gonna be published as podcast about what we’ve learned through this season and also about how we progress this conversation. Not to mention the fabulous resource list that’s about to hit your inbox. If you haven’t done so already, please come and join the free Facebook community search, Future Proofing Health Professionals, come join us. It’s a really, it’s a interesting community. It’s not the most busiest community ever, but I know that it’s a safe community. 

And if you are waiting now for season five, then it’s actually looking for its sponsor season five. I wanna speak into all things. What is entrepreneurially going on now? What are some of the cool things people are doing to generate increased revenue so that they can serve more clients? Where are some of those cool things that are happening? And I’ve got some great guests lined up but can’t do it without podcast sponsor. So if you or someone you know could be our next sponsor, please email so that we can send you out the prospectus and help you understand how sponsoring our podcast is actually gonna be good business for your business.

Well, there we go. That didn’t take as long as I thought it would. I hope you have founded a useful summary. I am ready for another cup of coffee. So until next time, go be your very awesome self.


Published on:
February 4, 2025

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