What does overwhelm do for you? No seriously I am asking. If you do overwhelm you are doing it for a reason – it gives you some pay off.

I had the privilege of working with Leela Cosgrove and she opened my eyes to this. It was NOT pleasant at the time, however I don’t pay mentors to make me feel good, I pay mentors to help me deal with stuff.

What I now know is that for me overwhelm leads to a Break Thru I am not for a minute suggesting its the most resourceful behaviour ever, but I do know it has a purpose.

And funnily enough I have just witnessed exactly the same thing in a client – for the last two weeks overwhelmed wanting to give up; wanting to give up her business and go and get a job; wanting the pressure to go away. All of this while she received 7 new clients and fills up her staff member and fills her classes.

2 hours after our session today, she has been asked to create a new product – and she will then sell this to other people. Overwhelm lead to the breakthru!

What does overwhelm do for you?

Here’s to your success


Being called to level up in your Private Practice?

Here is how you do it.

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