by Jo Muirhead | May 14, 2021 | Success, Attitude, Business Growth, Business Planning, Focus, Mindset |
I haven’t been as moved by a nonfiction, personal development book as I have by this book in a really long time. Essentialism, the Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown, has helped me understand why being stretched so thin; why having so many things on the go at... by Jo Muirhead | Nov 28, 2020 | Book of Evidence, Business Growth, Goal Setting for Clinicians |
Can you believe it is almost the end of 2020? 12 months ago as an Australian I was coping with devastating Bushfires. Then devastating floods. Then COVID-19 and all of the fear, uncertainty, change, death, grief and lockdowns that came with it. And yes on top of all... by Jo Muirhead | Oct 31, 2020 | Uncategorized |
By the time you read this, I will have had surgery and will have commenced the post surgical recovery process. Being the impatient, ambitious and highly driven person I am, please pray for my husband and son who will assume most care responsibilities for me during... by Jo Muirhead | Sep 7, 2020 | Attitude, From The Desk Of Jo, INSPIRATION, Mindset |
I wanted to share with you all about where I am with my personal cancer journey – I’ve felt it important that I share my experiences in order to help others with theirs. The whole being treated for cancer thing is really hard. As a woman being treated for breast... by Jo Muirhead | Mar 21, 2020 | From The Desk Of Jo |
Well who put COVID- 19 on their Vision Board for 2020, anyone, anyone, anyone? You may be aware that my word for 2020 is BLOOM – however I am thinking this needs to change to the year of Interruption, which could be the year of practicing agility… There are incredible...