by Jo Muirhead | Apr 27, 2016 | Mindset, Private Practice, Self-Sabotage, Success |
Hey Fabulous Health Professionals, It’s time to get something straight. And that something is MINDSET. I know you’ve heard this word so, so many times. You’ve heard it bandied about, you’ve heard it used to manipulate, and you’ve heard it used in superficial...
by Jo Muirhead | Apr 21, 2016 | Business Growth, Focus, Private Practice |
Hey fabulous health professionals. I want to pose a question: What is the value in why? Isn’t the “what” or the “how” more practical? Won’t those things get us the results we want? More clients, more success, more money? Well, the...
by Jo Muirhead | Apr 13, 2016 | Business Growth, Private Practice, Self-Sabotage |
Hey Fabulous Health Professionals, We live in a time where free stuff is in abundance. There’s so much free stuff that it you can make you giddy. Look at the variety! Look at the choice! Look at th- Oh my god, that one has sprinkles on it! Doesn’t the...
by Jo Muirhead | Apr 5, 2016 | Mindset, Private Practice, Self-Sabotage, Success, Vulnerability |
Hey Fabulous Health Professionals. I’ve been thinking lately on the difference between what it means to show up with vulnerability versus being vulnerable. Brene Brown talks about this a lot – of the importance of showing vulnerability in order to make...
by Jo Muirhead | Mar 23, 2016 | Business Growth, MARKETING, Mindset, Private Practice, Success |
Hey Fabulous Health Professionals, Gearing up for the Private Practice Marketing training coming up on March 30 (it’s free and online by the way – grab your spot here), I wanted to talk this week about measuring what matters when it comes to marketing. I...