by Jo Muirhead | Mar 15, 2016 | Business Growth, Focus, MARKETING, Private Practice, Success |
Hey Fabulous Clinicians, As we keep rolling with the series of the Month of Marketing, I have a question for you: What’s Your Marketing Style? Nearly all of the health professionals I coach & mentor fit into one of the following categories, each with...
by Jo Muirhead | Mar 8, 2016 | Business Growth, Focus, MARKETING |
Just wondering – when was the last time you compared your success to somebody else’s? Maybe you have a friend or a colleague, or someone who you you’ve never even met (but whom you know quite intimately thanks to how easy social media makes it to...
by Jo Muirhead | Mar 2, 2016 | Business Growth, Business Planning, MARKETING, Private Practice |
Hey fabulous health professionals, What image comes to mind when I say the word “marketing”? Does it feel like a complex machine filled with countless moving parts, confusing and thoroughly intimidating? If you feel like you need an MBA in order to make...
by Jo Muirhead | Feb 25, 2016 | Attitude, Business Growth, Mindset, Private Practice, Success |
Hey Fabulous Health Professionals, Last week we spoke about how focusing on spot-fires WILL stunt you in private practice. Quite a few people got in touch with me to let me know that this topic really resonated with them, so let’s dive in a little deeper. When...
by Jo Muirhead | Feb 16, 2016 | Burnout, Business Growth, Business Planning, Private Practice |
Client in crisis. Report deadline. Tech failure. Staff issues. Billing problems. Double-bookings. A million requests and not enough time. Not enough of YOU to go around. This is pretty common fare for health professionals in private practice who’ve managed to...