by Jo Muirhead | Jul 29, 2015 | Business Growth, From The Desk Of Jo, Life Hacks |
In my years of being in, around, running, managing and owning my business never a truer word was spoken to me than when I was asked the question What stage is your business in? ……….. I really wanted to provide a sophisticated answer, one that sounded like it came from... by Jo Muirhead | Jul 22, 2015 | From The Desk Of Jo, Life Hacks, Mindset |
It’s all about Meditation. I am serious. I kinda wish I wasn’t serious about the powerful effects of meditation because you see I only started to learn how to mediate to prove everyone who was going on and on and on about how awesome it was – wrong I was... by Jo Muirhead | Jul 15, 2015 | From The Desk Of Jo, Life Hacks, Mindset |
You may remember the blog post I wrote 10 Life Hacks for a Successful, Sustainable and Profitable Private Practice. Well the 3rd point on this blog post was about Investing in yourself and in this blog I want to tease out this particular conundrum some more because... by Jo Muirhead | Jul 8, 2015 | Attitude, Business Growth, From The Desk Of Jo, Mindset, Success |
I’m continuing on with my expansion from the blog post 10 Life Hacks for a Successful, Sustainable and Profitable Private Practice. I know many clinicians feel uncomfortable with the idea of marketing and sales. I know this because it comes up all the time. ...