by Jo Muirhead | Mar 11, 2015 | From The Desk Of Jo |
I sent this blog post as an email to those in my community on Friday, and I have received some much encouragement from and I’ve had quite a few people ask me to post it as a blog. I have been quite overwhelmed by the number of emails people have sent me sharing their... by Jo Muirhead | Mar 4, 2015 | From The Desk Of Jo |
Today I want to share with you a truly transformational story from our recent retreat. None of us went into private practice intending to charge less than we’re worth and work longer hours than we ever have. This is a great lesson in taking back control and... by Jo Muirhead | Feb 25, 2015 | Focus, From The Desk Of Jo, Success |
I hear from many health professionals who have private practices talk about needing to fill their schedule with paying clients. I get this, this is how I started, and it’s an important thing to be doing to grow a private practice. However if your question is HOW do I... by Jo Muirhead | Feb 18, 2015 | PowerShot |
Apparently only 3% of the population write things down, like goals. Is it any wonder so many small businesses don’t make it? Jo | Jo Muirhead – Facebook | Tweet it Print it. Post it. Share it. Credit it. Ta... by Jo Muirhead | Feb 11, 2015 | PowerShot |
From one of my mentors to you “Every minute I am rescuing, persecuting, or being the victim, is a minute I am not being productive.” Thank you Christina Guidotti Jo | Jo Muirhead – Facebook | Tweet it Print it. Post it. Share it. Credit it....