by Jo Muirhead | Feb 4, 2015 | PowerShot |
Implement Quickly Learn by Doing Make Mistakes Let go of Perfectionism Jo | Jo Muirhead – Facebook | Tweet it Print it. Post it. Share it. Credit it. Ta... by Jo Muirhead | Jan 28, 2015 | PowerShot |
Self First is Not Selfish What are you doing to look after yourself today? Jo | Jo Muirhead – Facebook | Tweet it Print it. Post it. Share it. Credit it. Ta... by Jo Muirhead | Jan 21, 2015 | PowerShot |
Health professionals are the BEST positioned people to learn how to market and sell their services effectively If you can build rapport you can market and sell your services Just Learn How Jo | Jo Muirhead – Facebook | Tweet it Print it. Post it. Share... by Jo Muirhead | Jan 14, 2015 | Business Growth, From The Desk Of Jo |
I don’t apologise for writing this piece – but right now I want you to know, that I want to help you Yes you – I want to see you grow in your abundance, in your desire for the lifestyle and freedom that you have dreamed about. You see, so many health professionals get... by Jo Muirhead | Jan 7, 2015 | From The Desk Of Jo |
On Tuesday 6 January my 14 year son left for a school trip to Japan. I was a bundle of mixed emotions. So I sent an email out to all the wonderful people on the ‘’ list and asked for their top travel tips. Many people took the time to offer words of...