by Jo Muirhead | Jan 7, 2015 | PowerShot |
How Do You Start Your Day? How you start your day will dictate how you will end your day. So, how do you want to feel at the end of you day Overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, fearful OR Content; fulfilled; excited. The choice is yours – how you create this also... by Jo Muirhead | Dec 31, 2014 | PowerShot |
You’ve been amazing in 2014 You have given so much of yourself to your clients, to your business There is a time for everything, and now the time is for YOU Time to laugh; time to breathe; time to see the sights, smell the roses Time to watch your children play... by Jo Muirhead | Dec 24, 2014 | PowerShot |
Merry Christmas I am wishing you a wonderful Christmas, may your days be filled with light, life and laughter Bless you heaps Jo by Jo Muirhead | Dec 17, 2014 | Attitude, From The Desk Of Jo, Mindset, PowerShot, Success |
Are you caught up in the cycle of Busyness? You know it’s a MYTH that you will get on top of everything and feel in control. It’s just not going to happen. It’s time the embrace the OVERWHELM as OPPORTUNITY. It’s time to move beyond MANAGEMENT... by Jo Muirhead | Dec 10, 2014 | Attitude, From The Desk Of Jo |
It’s been interesting to reflect upon conversations between clinicians in private practice and those who aren’t in private practice for themselves. The attitudes at times can be quite – well horrifying. I don’t want to encourage the great debate about who is better...