by Jo Muirhead | Aug 20, 2014 | Attitude, Business Growth, Focus, From The Desk Of Jo, Mindset, PowerShot, Success |
I don’t know about you, but it doesn’t matter how much I have grown my practice or what things I am doing differently, there invariably comes a point in each year when I find myself without enough time. I get that entrepreneurs will always be busy. We need to be... by Jo Muirhead | Aug 13, 2014 | Attitude, Business Growth, From The Desk Of Jo, Mindset, Success |
I’ve been reflecting in the past couple of weeks about what I wish I had known at various stages along my business building journey. (wow I’ve just used the “J” word in the first sentence). If you are like me, you have probably ready a lot of blogs, or books or white... by Jo Muirhead | Aug 6, 2014 | Attitude, Business Growth, From The Desk Of Jo, PowerShot |
(And Other Unhelpful Things I Tell Myself) The response to my blog post from a couple of weeks ago “What happens when the clinician and entrepreneur collide” has been fantastic. This conversation has really opened up discussion on the skills and mindset shifts that... by Jo Muirhead | Jul 30, 2014 | Attitude, From The Desk Of Jo, PowerShot |
STOP thinking that no one wants to buy your services. STOP thinking no one can afford your services. If you turn up to any meeting, presentation, phone call with these thoughts in your mind then you will NOT have a paying client at the end of the conversation because... by Jo Muirhead | Jul 16, 2014 | Focus, From The Desk Of Jo, Mindset, PowerShot |
There’s no need to stop. Go on keep going – procrastinate all you want to. Now that’s the permission you’ve been waiting for isn’t it. Procrastination. It’s one of those words that we hear a lot of. It’s a word that quite often makes us feel guilty and shamed, because...