by Jo Muirhead | Feb 26, 2014 | Attitude, Focus, Mindset, PowerShot, Success |
Have you ever considered yourself just crazy? Have you ever considered yourself just crazy – like why on earth am I working so hard? Where that little voice says to you ” just go get a job and let it be someone else’s problem”? C’mon... by Jo Muirhead | Feb 20, 2014 | Business Growth, Focus |
Today is an exciting day … Today my business is taking a giant leap forward. I have been humbled over the past couple of years to see my Business of 1 clients grow, and grow …. And grow! Not only this but they have continued to seek coaching with me, and we are always... by Jo Muirhead | Feb 19, 2014 | Attitude, From The Desk Of Jo, Mindset, Success |
What does overwhelm do for you? No seriously I am asking. If you do overwhelm you are doing it for a reason – it gives you some pay off. I had the privilege of working with Leela Cosgrove and she opened my eyes to this. It was NOT pleasant at the time, however I... by Jo Muirhead | Feb 12, 2014 | PowerShot |
Are you prepared to fight? Prepared to fight for this – your business, your dream? I mean really fight? Really? Are your ready to bust through your own stuff, your own baggage, and fight? REALLY? You better be – because the prize is worth it! Here’s to your success.... by Jo Muirhead | Feb 5, 2014 | PowerShot |
Thank you! When was the last time you thanked yourself for all of your sacrifice? All of your hard work. All of your mistakes. All of your desires. All of your determination. All of your gifts? Be thankful for you. You are worth it. Here’s to your success. Jo...