by Jo Muirhead | Sep 11, 2013 | Attitude, Business Growth, Focus, Mindset, PowerShot, Success |
Innovation ENABLES BUSINESSES TO DIFFERENTIATE THEMSELVES THEREFORE PRODUCING A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE. No need to reinvent the wheel, simply be innovative Here’s to your success. Jo | Jo Muirhead – Facebook | Tweet it Print it. Post it. Share it.... by Jo Muirhead | Sep 5, 2013 | Attitude, Business Growth, Focus, Mindset, PowerShot, Success |
10 easy ways to ensure your practice does not become a successful business Thank you to all of the business owners who have contributed to this list. I am sure it’s not an exhaustive list, however I know that if you consistently apply these 10 easy tactics your...
by Jo Muirhead | Sep 4, 2013 | Attitude, PowerShot, Success |
How to create commitment The best customer is one who doesn’t just buy out of habit. They are someone who is committed and loyal to you. Your job is to help them navigate the distance between Emotion and Logic. Here’s to your success. Jo | Jo...
by Jo Muirhead | Sep 2, 2013 | Attitude, Business Growth, From The Desk Of Jo, Mindset, Success |
Hands up who like me is absolutely terrible at affirming themselves? After all, we’re not supposed to pat ourselves on the back and tell everyone that we’re good at something. But if we, as entrepreneurs, don’t tell ourselves that we are good...
by Jo Muirhead | Aug 28, 2013 | Attitude, Business Growth, PowerShot, Success |
Leadership is a wonderful soul-expanding experience If done in the right spirit; which is positive, adventurous and humane. As a leader, your two main jobs are strategic and motivational. You have to work out where the business is going and decide on the best way of...