by Jo Muirhead | Oct 23, 2018 | Uncategorized |
YES, money does change us! It changes our behaviour. Think about how differently you behave when you get scared about money. Back in September I did a This Is Private Practice FB live video after I had been to see my accountant. This meeting was positive overall, but... by Jo Muirhead | Sep 3, 2018 | Uncategorized |
Are you like many clinicians who hear the word “networking” and groan? Does the idea of networking fill you with dread not knowing how to answer the question you know are going to be asked – you know the question. What do you do? Then you answer. “I’m a... by Jo Muirhead | Aug 7, 2018 | Uncategorized |
When you ask someone, what is wrong with the state of health care today, you will get a couple of answers. Interestingly these answers will most often have two central themes, patient care and money (a perceived lack of money). When I ask health professionals what is...
by Jo Muirhead | Jun 18, 2018 | Uncategorized |
I know that many of you reading this will be impatient people. Yep I know. I’m a mind reader right. How is it I can read your mind you may ask – well I’ve been the impatient clinician in Private Practice too. Impatient for the rewards of all the hard work,...
by Jo Muirhead | Jun 13, 2018 | Attitude, From The Desk Of Jo, PowerShot |
This is a great question – one of two things is going to occur 1. There is going to be a horrible train wreck, leaving the health professional limited, fearful and risk averse. OR 2. There will be incredible liberation leaving the health professional secure, peaceful...