From the Desk of Jo
Evidence-Based Practice Begins With You
Hello Fabulous Clinicians, When I say "Evidence-Based Practice", what comes to mind? Perhaps.... Facts Research Statistics Objective Information? I...
Relationship Marketing: The Final Tool to Turn Your Ideas into Money
Hey Fabulous Health Professionals, I hope you've been following my 3-part series on how to go from a great idea in your private practice to actual...
Manage Your Perfectionism to Turn Your Ideas Into Money.
Welcome back fabulous health professionals. If you haven’t read my first of 3 posts about how to get that idea out of your head and into your...
The 3 Tools You Need to Turn Your Ideas into Income
Hey fabulous health professional, I had the opportunity to chat with an incredible health practitioner last week. He has a double degree in both...
You Don't Need to Build Your Practice Alone – And You Shouldn't!
The thing about private practice is that you can feel so isolated at times. I know I did. And I so often felt that I needed to do it all myself - to...
Do You Make These 5 Mistakes in Private Practice?
My clients ask me every day what they need to do in order to take their business to the next level. Often these questions are about external things,...
Be Yourself.
Be Yourself. The final life hack in the series is a simple one, but we often forget it in the haze of professionalism and necessary boundaries we...
Do More of The Work You Love The Way You Love To Do It
There is this wonderful moment when we as clinicians in private practice realize that we can do more of the work we love the way we love to do it....
This Is #9, You’ve Been Waiting For This
Own Your Influence. Do you realize how much influence you have in this world? You cannot shy away from this or wish it away. You need to own this...
You need to understand this Experience is no longer a selling point Experience is no longer the way to demonstrate credibility Your prospective...
This Is Why You Find It Difficult To Talk About Money With Your Clients
Nothing makes me more frustrated then when I see health professionals continuing to lower their prices out of some inaccurate belief that “no one...
AMAZING FACT Your Finances Are A Direct Result of Your Health
Do you get this? Do you get how important your health is to your business and your earning capacity? I guess I have been introduced to this through...