From the Desk of Jo
Life Hack – Know What Stage Your Business Is In
In my years of being in, around, running, managing and owning my business never a truer word was spoken to me than when I was asked the question...
Traffic and Conversion Summit and the Online World
A Happier, More Focused and Productive You – Here’s How.
It’s all about Meditation. I am serious. I kinda wish I wasn’t serious about the powerful effects of meditation because you see I only started to...
Are You Worth It?
You may remember the blog post I wrote 10 Life Hacks for a Successful, Sustainable and Profitable Private Practice. Well the 3rd point on this blog...
Relationship Marketing Every Clinician’s Secret Weapon
I’m continuing on with my expansion from the blog post 10 Life Hacks for a Successful, Sustainable and Profitable Private Practice. I know many...
5 hours back in your practice every week – here’s how
Last week I wrote a blog post 10 Life Hacks for a Successful, Sustainable and Profitable Private Practice. We all know the drudgery of being on the...
10 Life Hacks for a Successful, Sustainable and Profitable Private Practice.
I wonder how many of you are feeling like you are back on that treadmill of doing doing doing? You know, that place where you are so scared to stop...
38 Therapists, 5 Leaders, 1 AMAZING Experience
I am still riding on the wave of The Most Awesome Conference that was held in LaJolla, CA from 27-30 May 2015. To say this conference was impacting...
The Choices You Make Now Will Determine The Success of Your Practice In The Next 12 Months
Like many health professionals, I spent my early years in private practice floundering from one mistake to the next; spending way too much time on...
EXPOSED. The flaw in your marketing
Do you enjoy people watching? I do – and in this day and age I get to do it both online and offline. Watching clinicians with their marketing is...
Pricing Models. What are they and why should we care?
Please note this post has nothing to do with Channing Tatum. I Googled “models” and this is what came up. We do have some options when it comes to...
Is Your Fee Sending You Broke?
The last couple of weeks I have been blogging about the word CHEAP. Specifically when we apply it to our pricing, the message it is giving our...