From the Desk of Jo

From The Desk Of Jo

From The Desk Of Jo

I am a liar and a fraud and its time you knew. I am not supposed to be self employed. At age 15, as I watched my father have his first...

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Power Shot #7

Power Shot #7

Belief #6 :From 9 beliefs of remarkably successful people Volunteers always win.  Whenever you raise your hand, you will be asked to do more.  I...

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Power Shot #6

Power Shot #6

Belief #5 :From 9 beliefs of remarkably successful people Failure is something I accomplish; it doesn’t  just happen to me  Who likes to fail?  Not...

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Power Shot #5

Power Shot #5

Belief #4 :From 9 beliefs of remarkably successful people Experience is irrelevant.  Accomplishments are everything Okay I found this a little hard...

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Power Shot #4

Power Shot #4

Belief #3: From 9 beliefs of remarkably successful people I have never paid my dues The only real measure of your value is the tangible contribution...

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Power Shot #3

Power Shot #3

Belief #2: From 9 beliefs of remarkably successful people The people around me are the people I choose. Think about the type of people you want to...

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Power Shot #2

Power Shot #2

I found this fantastic article called 9 Beliefs of Remarkably Successful People.  You can find the entire article here...

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Power Shot #1

Power Shot #1

jo muirhead | power shot  The pain of burnout is obvious: You just can't get motivated. You feel worn down, ineffective, hopeless. The idea of...

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From The Desk Of Jo

From The Desk Of Jo

Are we there yet [insert whiney whinge from the back seat] The road of life twists and turns, and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our...

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