From the Desk of Jo
Marketing – Simply Solving a Problem
As clinicians, we are often asked to provide solution-focused intervention. I don’t think we spend a lot of time thinking about what that means; we...
Does Money Change Us?
YES, money does change us! It changes our behaviour. Think about how differently you behave when you get scared about money. Back in...
Would you like the key to unlocking a powerful referral network?
Are you like many clinicians who hear the word “networking” and groan? Does the idea of networking fill you with dread not knowing how...
The Real Truth of why Burn Out Isn’t Going Away for Health Professionals.
When you ask someone, what is wrong with the state of health care today, you will get a couple of answers. Interestingly these answers...
My $100K Lesson in Impatience
I know that many of you reading this will be impatient people. Yep I know. I’m a mind reader right. How is it I can read your...
What Happens When the Health Professional and the Entrepreneur Collide?
This is a great question – one of two things is going to occur 1. There is going to be a horrible train wreck, leaving the health professional...
Dear Clinician, Who You Are Matters.
It is an all too frequent problem when I am coaching clinicians in private practice. They have been so busy fulfilling someone else’s...
Who your ideal client IS NOT!
Everywhere you turn online these days there is someone else telling you that you need to identify your IDEAL client. What is of great...
You Know What Is Really Sad?
As many of you know I speak to clinician’s every week. I love inspiring and encouraging clinicians to be the best version of...
Q1 Results Are In & They Don’t Look Good.
Have you noticed that the first quarter of 2018 has already passed us by? Yep, Jan-March is done and dusted. For those of us in...
The FB Live That Wasn’t. Here is a Video interview on how to fix your sales copy.
I recently had the experience where I wrote what I thought was awesome sales copy - then I shared it with people I trusted. I quickly...
Your Influence is So Much Bigger Than Just You, and Just Your Client!
As experienced clinicians we often forget that what we know and how we help, is expertise. We are so used to what we do and how we...