From the Desk of Jo
Drive Thru, Sabretooth Tigers and Neuroscience
Warning – this is a tough love blog post with video It's time. It's time to talk about that stuff that we do not want to admit to. I know you would...
I was asked a great question this week.
I was asked a great question this week. Should we make sure that we have our branding and marketing nailed BEFORE we start networking...
Jo – I’m So Stuck Working Out My Ideal Client!?!
Working with a couple of new 1:1 practice building clients and reading a lot of social posts in the past couple of weeks has shown me that people of...
Should I stay, or should I go? (guest blog post by Sherry Shockey-Pope)
These famous words were sung by the Punk band The Clash in the 80”s, and recently the song is being used in the Netflix series Stranger...
The Ultimate interruption to Private Practice, and how to take care of yourself.
I was compelled to put this blog together. You see during my first week back at work this year I had two people reach out to me explaining that...
Not All Personal Goal Setting Strategies Are Created Equal.
Welcome to 2018. If you are anything like me, you have been exposed to a LOT of posts about goal setting; getting your hustle on; about doing what...
How my idea got stolen and why I’m so pleased it did
Have you ever gone to write a blog or a social media post only to have something arrive in your inbox or see something on social media and it's...
The MOST Uncomfortable Truth
Have you noticed how everyone seems to be selling CHEAP, FREE and EASY? I wonder if you are like me and have chased down all the cheap, free and...
Busting Client Objections -1 Raving Fan at a Time
I was lying on the floor in my yoga studio – eyes closed, trying to filter out the noise around me wanting to arrive at my place of Zen. My ears...
A Hot Tip for helping you take massive action – Today
I’m having a conversation with a clinician who wants to start her own private practice. She says she wants to start a practice and has tried in the...
Competition. Who Does It Serve? (And why this matters).
Guest post by Sherry Shockey-PopeTherapist Practice in a Box Long gone are the days of completing graduate or professional school, hanging up a...
This Is Private Practice – New video series on Facebook
I wanted to make sure that you knew of the videos I’ve been posting over on Facebook where I talk about the day-in-the-life-of-me as a clinician and...