by Jo Muirhead | Jul 3, 2013 | Attitude, Business Growth, Focus, From The Desk Of Jo, Mindset, Success |
An amazing dilemma is happening in the Business of 1 community. We’ve got so many people with the same problem – too many referrals, too many clients you can’t service them all. What an awesome problem to have! I love this problem. It’s...
by Jo Muirhead | Jun 26, 2013 | Attitude, Business Growth, PowerShot, Success |
Are you ready for a wake up call? The reason I ask is because this post is pretty different to my usual ones and it may leave a few of you feeling a little uncomfortable – you see it’s about money, or rather the difference between investment and expense....
by Jo Muirhead | Jun 19, 2013 | Attitude, Business Growth, PowerShot, Success |
How to Boost your Average Dollar – 5 simple activities that will add 10% across the board today. You’d be surprised in the increase even a small change can make to your bottom dollar. It’s in the 1% that we can make significant change, significantly...
by Jo Muirhead | Jun 12, 2013 | Attitude, Business Growth, Mindset, PowerShot, Success |
Belief #9: From 9 beliefs of remarkably successful people The extra mile is a vast unpopulated wasteland. Everyone says that they go the extra mile, but rarely do. Especially if it’s inconvenient! The extra mile is a lonely place, no one else is there, so why...
by Jo Muirhead | Jun 5, 2013 | Attitude, PowerShot, Success |
Belief #8: From 9 beliefs of remarkably successful people People who pay me always have the right to tell me what to do. Ummm no! However, instead of complaining about being asked to change a report or give a different opinion, or be told you are not delivering...
by Jo Muirhead | May 16, 2013 | Attitude, From The Desk Of Jo, Home |
I am a liar and a fraud and its time you knew. I am not supposed to be self employed. At age 15, as I watched my father have his first heart attack, I made the decision that I would never EVER be self employed. The eldest of 3 girls, I grew up in a family where I was...