by Jo Muirhead | Jul 2, 2014 | Focus, Mindset, PowerShot |
We all procrastinate, we all hate it yet we all do it – here’s what to do about it….. (click to view on Youtube)
by Jo Muirhead | Jun 25, 2014 | Business Growth, From The Desk Of Jo, PowerShot, Success |
I’ve noticed this rather strange phenomenon. It’s been bugging me for a while now. I see it everywhere I turn, and especially with entrepreneurial health professionals. It is a phenomenon that makes me stop, think and then wonder why I too have so much trouble saying... by Jo Muirhead | Jun 11, 2014 | Business Growth, From The Desk Of Jo, Mindset, PowerShot |
You know that horrible feeling when we feel all stuffed up and clogged up inside? We feel sluggish, uncomfortable, and less than our best. It’s not too much different for our Private Practices. I’ve noticed this phenomenon. I see myself and my client’s battling with... by Jo Muirhead | Jun 4, 2014 | Business Growth, From The Desk Of Jo, PowerShot, Success |
What is it about physiotherapists, OT’s Dieticians, Nutritionists; therapists , speech and language pathologists, exercise physiologists, psychologists any other –oligists who create a private practice? What do they do that enables them to build a successful private...
by Jo Muirhead | May 28, 2014 | Attitude, From The Desk Of Jo, PowerShot |
Fear is a nasty thing isn’t it? None of us, it would appear are immune to it. However I wonder if your Fear is stronger than your Courage…….. If you are reading this, it’s my guess that your courage is much stronger than your fear. I get scared too; but my fear is NOT... by Jo Muirhead | May 7, 2014 | Business Growth, PowerShot |
We all know to delegate NOW. The question is Delegate how? Delegate don’t DUMP. Invest the time to set expectations, timeframes and reporting lines. Otherwise you will find yourself saying – it’s easier to do it myself. DO NOT micro manage – build confidence and...