I was compelled to put this blog together. You see during my first week back at work this year I had two people reach out to me explaining that they had experienced unexpected deaths in their lives and they were concerned about the impact this might have on their...
Welcome to 2018. If you are anything like me, you have been exposed to a LOT of posts about goal setting; getting your hustle on; about doing what it takes; abut finding your WORD for 2018. I don’t know about you, but after a while it all kinda feels a bit Meh. Here’s...
Have you ever gone to write a blog or a social media post only to have something arrive in your inbox or see something on social media and it’s exactly what you were going to say? Almost word-for-word! Does that strike fear in you? Comparison in you? Do you...
Have you noticed how everyone seems to be selling CHEAP, FREE and EASY? I wonder if you are like me and have chased down all the cheap, free and easy things, only to become bitterly disappointed when cheap, free or easy ends up being: Time consuming Energy sapping...
I was lying on the floor in my yoga studio – eyes closed, trying to filter out the noise around me wanting to arrive at my place of Zen. My ears pricked up and focused on a conversation that was occurring between two women. Little did they know but they, in a...
Guest post by Sherry Shockey-PopeTherapist Practice in a Box Long gone are the days of completing graduate or professional school, hanging up a shingle on your office front door and having the public flock to for your service or product. Consumers are becoming more...