Busyness is NOT Business

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How often do we say “I’m just too busy!’ Do you wish you emitted a ‘busy’ signal hoping people will just leave you alone and let you get on with your Busyness?

It may surprise you to know that your Busyness is not your Business. In fact Busyness will send you broke.

Busyness is too often a facade that many of us wear when we don’t know what to do in our Business. Being Busy legitimatizes us from not having to do or think about those strategic things we are putting off or resisting.

We all want Businesses that are Busy. But the right kind of Busy, the busy that is profitable. When our Businesses are Profitably Busy we are onto something fulfilling and exciting. But when Busyness is our Business, it’s like entering into a 100metre sprint, except there is no finish line, and no one told you. You just keep sprinting, moving your legs, breathing hard, pounding that track, moving your legs, breathing hard, pounding the track.

Let’s face it, we have so much to be Busy with. This is not a blog about getting rid of being Busy, in fact to be successful in your Practice you will be Busy; however you will be Profitably Busy.

Here are the 3 things you can never be too busy for in your Private Practice –

  1. Sales
  2. Marketing
  3. Working ON your business

Does this list surprise you? Is there anything that’s not in this list that you think should be in the top 3? Leave your comments in the comments boxes below, I’d love to have a discussion and find what really keeps us Busy.

Here’s to your success.

Do you know someone who needs to read this g today? Go ahead share this with them. Let’s get this message out. Busyness is not Business!

If you like what you have read here today, and want some help to get really clear on your WHY, then please register for a FREE 30 minutes consult with me. I would love to help you explore this idea and for it to become the powerful driving force in everything that you do.

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Ta Jo

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