Here are 10 lies I have believed that sabotaged my private practice business journey:

1. I’m not smart enough.

I have an undergraduate degree. Not a higher degree. I have assumed this would discredit me.

2. No one will pay for what I offer.

This was told to me by an experienced business owner when I first started out. Apparently I needed to retrain as an event coordinator (what!!!)

I let this lie take root making asking for the sale harder than it needed to be.

3. To work hard means to be chronically exhausted.

Just no.

4. It’s my job as boss to solve all the problems.

What’s the point of having a team if you don’t empower them to carry the weight you don’t need to carry?!???

5. I’m a terrible boss.

Yeah. I had really poor role models.

In my desire to be a better boss I became a micro manager, controlling, and fearful of the team leaving.

6. When a team member left, they were rejecting me.

See point 5.

People leave. They just do.

The emotional labour I have expended by trying to keep people. Heck. What a waste

Better to plan to manage the risk of when people leave.

7. If I throw money at a problem that will fix it.

No. That just makes the problem more expensive.

8. Disclosing my own experiences with anxiety and depression would discredit me and stop people referring to me.

Ahhh no. That led to over functioning. Leading to increased anxiety.

9. Generating 7 figures solves everything.

Bwahahahaha. Nope. That’s vanity.
Profitability is the key metric we need to measure.

10. If something isn’t working. If I haven’t achieved a goal – just work harder. Cos I’m obviously the problem.

Heck. No. See point #3


These have all been lies that I have believed that have kept me small and exhausted.

We all have lies and unhelpful mindsets that sabotage us. Often we can’t see them because they are so much a part of who we are.

We might have an inkling that something isn’t right. But not sure what it is, or how to address it.

Recognising them is never enough.

Having the right people in my world to help me develop not only a new perspective but create new habits and behaviours and hold me accountable.

That is when transformation occurs.

This is where having someone in your world who can help give you perspective is so important.

We don’t know what we don’t know right?

So if we want change, but don’t know what needs changing how do we make this happen?

We can’t do it alone. Theres no shame in asking for help or guidance. It’s what every single successful person in Private Practice has done.

Asked for help.

So let me ask you,

How can I help?

Being called to level up in your Private Practice?

Here is how you do it.

Thank you for joining me. I look forward to being of value to you.