Hey Health professionals

We spent a lot of time, energy, and money becoming qualified didn’t we?

Then we have been supervised.

And we need to complete professional development every year.

And we know the value of paying for our own ongoing consultation and supervision. 

YET –   we see coaches, trainers, and gurus who profess to know as much or more than we do.

Who hasn’t done the study.

Who have not agonized through the clinical supervision.

Who haven’t felt the weight of the law and regulations designed to keep people safe. 

And these coaches, trainers, and gurus are being paid how much???

Then we worry about the harm that coaches, trainers, and gurus may cause due to the lack of oversight and commitment to the same codes of ethics that we abide by.

We worry because we see the problems that coaches, trainers, and gurus sometimes create turn up in our clinical rooms, requiring clinical treatment. 

Yet we are resentful because the people we know we could help are going elsewhere.

And where they are going the professional is receiving considerably more $$$ per session than we feel able to ask for.

Rather than getting angry about coaches being paid more than us


Agonizing over the perceived violation of ethics that coaching might contribute to 


Resenting the cost of our education versus the cost of coaching training 


Why don’t we learn what coaches learn?


#1 Believe in ourselves

This is the core of coaching training.  Coaches believe in themselves, and health professionals believe in their clients.


#2 Know with every fiber of our being that we help people 

Coaches believe that they have something of value to offer.  They expect that they can help. 

We exist in an industry that constantly tells us to do more with less, and this ends up eroding our confidence that we can help.


#3 Learn how to market and sell our services to the people who need them. 

Coaching training will include subjects and the opportunity to learn with mentors how to create, and market a coaching business 

Health professionals, with all of our expensive education and post-graduate expectations – are taught how to be excellent clinicians, not create and build health businesses. 


Our training and qualifications have never been enough on their own.  We have always needed to add to them.


If you don’t have the people you want to serve coming to you → it’s time to learn how

If you are not earning the type of income you want to earn → it’s time to learn how 

Its time

That time is now

And guess what, you made it through your clinical education and training, so you already know how to learn 


Until next time, Go be your awesome self 



Being called to level up in your Private Practice?

Here is how you do it.

Thank you for joining me. I look forward to being of value to you.