Prelude to Season 4 – The Entrepreneurial Clinician Podcast

Welcome back to the Entrepreneurial Clinician Podcast.

In this prelude to season 4, Jo shares the focus of this season which is burnout. It is an important but necessary conversation we must have as allied health professionals.

Jo also shares an opportunity for you to use Jo’s voice to amplify your message with the allied health professional community by sponsoring an episode of the podcast

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Well, hello, it’s Jo from the Entrepreneurial Clinician Podcast here. 

This is a preview to season four. Season four of the Entrepreneurial Clinician Podcast is gonna be around 16 episodes in length. It is going to be completely dedicated to the subject of burnout. Burnout, recovery, burnout prevention, burnout turning up in the lives of health professionals, burnout turning up in unsafe systems of work. This is a hot topic, but it is a necessary conversation. And the guests that are sharing with me I am quite privileged and honoured and somewhat shocked at the level of vulnerability that people are going to to help us as a health professional collective of people understand this stress condition called burnout. I will be giving my own insights and my own takeaways because I have been quite <laugh> open about the fact that I was the queen of burnout for quite a long period of time.

And I want to be able to help other health professionals not leave the profession, but continue to do this work, this work of helping people heal in a way that is healthy and it is in a way that is good for us. 

So most health professionals are going to have some perfectionistic tendencies. Most health professionals are going to be very, very good at self-sacrificing. And most health professionals are going to be awesome at learning how to not tune in to themselves. And these three personal factors are likely contributors to why we have so much burnout occurring across healthcare landscape, but we can only control that which we can control. There are also systems and workplaces and injurious parties out there that make it a little difficult for us to do this work in a way that is healthy. And I wanna highlight how we can become aware of unsafe systems of work or unsafe places of work and not neglect, nor minimise or brush off our own experience. So this whole season is a call to being better health professionals by genuinely learning how to take care of ourselves while we do this work. 

To give you an example and something to take away from this, I have a massage therapist that I see probably every second week actually in Australia, we call that a fortnight. And while I had my face down in the massage therapy bed in the hole, she was talking to me about her and the massages that she had received. And I was a little bit shocked ’cause I’d never thought of a massage therapist needing a massage therapist. But we talked about this and the upshot of that conversation was, well, Jo, my massage therapist works with me on my hands, my forearms, my shoulders, my neck, because if I don’t look after these tools of my trade, I’m not gonna be able to massage you. And I thought, holy crapola, that is so significantly profound. It is a way that she keeps herself safe and capable to be able to offer me the massages that I know and love from her. She has this amazing ability to be able to read my body with her hands. I don’t wanna have to find another massage therapist. I want her to do all the things necessary so that every time I see her, she is in her peak condition to be able to help me. 

So my challenge for you, dear listener, is what is that thing for you? What is the thing that you actually need to bring into your world so that you can be in the best capable position to see the clients who need your services?

So these are the types of questions that you’re going to hear throughout this podcast. It is going to be educative, it’s gonna be insightful, it’s going to be informative, it’s going to be inspiring. It’s probably gonna be a bit abrasive at times and it’s possibly gonna be confronting at times. And that’s okay because we know how to deal with that and we know we can reach out and ask for help. And the conversations for this season of the podcast are gonna be taking place in the Facebook community, Future Proofing Health Professionals. It’s a free group. You are welcome to join, come get excited and anticipate the release of the first episode. 

Something new that I am doing for season four is I am inviting those of you who have products, services, consulting practices, healthcare businesses. I’m offering you the opportunity to use my voice to amplify your message. This is a call for sponsorship. I am really keen to hear from people who want to get their message out to a wider audience. I am really keen to hear from people who wanna have stepped their toe into the pond of what it means to pay for sponsorship or advertising on a podcast. Now, have a prospectus and you are welcome to come and see it. You will find it on my website under the podcast tab, or you can reach out to And Debbie will send you a copy of my prospectus. And that way you will understand that it’s not an expensive spend, that you can actually sponsor an episode or you can sponsor a month of episodes or you can sponsor the entire season. And I’ve even gotten really cute and given each sponsorship level a coffee name because I’m Jo Muirhead and I love coffee.

So if that is of interest to you, you need to get in quickly. You need to let me know because once the sponsorship spots fill up, they’re gone. But I’m looking forward to making this available to you. I’m looking forward to sharing your message. And I even invite other private practice coaches ’cause I am currently not coaching. I’m currently not available for one-on-one coaching or even group coaching. So if you are a private practice coach and you would like Jo Muirhead to give you a shout out on her podcast, how about we get to know each other and let’s make that happen. Make sure that we’re gonna be a good fit for each other. First. Nobody wants to do anything icky or uncomfortable. So this is an invitation for a discussion. 

So I’m looking forward to sharing my incredible guests, their insights, their testimony. Woo, there is some stuff coming that you are gonna go. It’s not just me, just so until our first episode is released, go forth and be your awesome self.

Published on:
JULY 22, 2024

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