This post has NOTHING to do with Facebook advertising by the way.

It also does not promote the use of Instagram influencers.

You don’t need a lot of money.


I’ve written this blog post for the following people:

  1. You want/ need more clients; 
  2. You want more of your ideal clients;
  3. You want/ need more clients for your team members. 


Don’t want to read this post?  You can watch the 7 minute video: 


While COVID-19, and all that has come along with it, has been rather fortuitous for many health professionals, I am speaking to quite a few who have not experienced the sold out, over full, how do I deal with a waiting list.  In fact they are wishing they had these problems (these are a whole new set of problems by the way). 

With all the people I’ve spoken to about this in the past 4 weeks there is 1 common theme:


Read that again, and don’t stop at the word invisible … that’s right, you are invisible to the people who need you. 

And if you need more clients, I am assuming you have time.  Use the time you have available that you would be spending with clients when they do come, to do these 5 activities instead. 

(If you don’t have time or money then we need to have a whole different conversation).  

Here are the 5 top ways I have used, continue to use, and teach anyone who wants to listen to me about how to get more clients now.


1. Use other people’s audiences (part 1) – Build a referral network  

Find 5 people who have access to the clients you want to serve and LET THEM KNOW you have immediate availability.  One of the BEST things going for any health professional in private practice at the moment is not having a wait list.  Your biggest selling point right now is – you are available.  But IF no one knows you are available, then well, no one knows to refer to you 

  • Find 5 people who have access to the people you want to help. 
  • Let them know you have availability. 
  • Build a relationship with them. 
  • Thank  them, ask them how you can help them. 
  • Do good work.

If you want more information and specific how to’s including how to craft this conversation, I’ve got you covered in my 5 Favourite People – networking for revenue course


2. Use other people’s audiences (part 2)Directories

Get on relevant directories.  Here in Australia, one of the least utilised directories for mental health professionals is Psychology Today.   If you need more clients, GET ON IT.

Your professional association will have a directory; your local business chamber will have a directory; your local Facebook community will have a directory.  

If you are in the USA then you need the incredible Are You Listed Directory that Frances Harvey has created for you.


3. Use other people’s audiences (part 3)Use Facebook groups with purpose

When you join a Facebook community for referrals, please refrain from posting – ‘here I am, I am available, please book with me’.  ICKY.  Your goal here is to become Known, Liked and Trusted.  The way we do this is by being a resource, answering questions, offering a little bit of useful advice, being known for someone who offers great value.  

I am a member of many many FB groups, I rarely post anything of my own, RARELY.  I will however make an effort to spend time every 2-3 days and find conversations where I can add value.

It’s all well and good to think you are marketing by throwing up a lovely meme on Facebook, or adding your contact details to your Instagram account, but you are going to be busting a gut on social media if you need more clients now.

I learned a staggering statistic this morning. There are 293,000 statuses every 60 seconds! 4.75 billion pieces of content shared – DAILY.   Thank you Shani Taylor 

I’m not saying don’t post on social media, I am saying post with purpose – and from the stat above UNLESS you are a social media expert, organic growth on social media is now a long game.  AND a bit of a gamble. 


4. Use other people’s audiences (part 4) – start writing for other publications.  Like your chamber newsletter, or your local community paper.  I have done a LOT of guest blogging and it has helped me tremendously in becoming known, liked, and trusted.  

This is NOT the time to start asking ‘how much should I get paid to write’, you shouldn’t, this is a marketing “investment”.  And if you write 1 blog, you can tweak it, change the headline, and BOOM you have another blog ready for another persons’ audience 


5. Use other people’s audiences (part 5)become a podcast guest

You can use something as simple as You don’t have to go to your peers and then get upset if they don’t “choose” you.  Most podcasters have got their interviews lined up months in advance, that’s not going to help you now. However Matchmaker is a director (ha look at that) of podcasters looking for guests.  I dedicated an entire training to becoming a sought-after podcast guest for the You The Entrepreneurial Clinician community 

AND there is no reason why you or the people on your team can’t be engaging in 1 or all of these activities to help you build their caseload.  Everyone has the responsibility to help you as a business owner with promotional activity.  The secret here for business leaders is to empower your team to take on some of this heavy lifting by supporting them to learn how.  


I’m going to be blunt right now – there is NO use, you being the answer to our current health crises, if no one knows about you.  

Do not let your fear of getting it wrong, or not being good enough stand in the way of helping people in need. 


Do not let your tendency towards perfectionism rob you of the need to add $$$ to your bank account and food on the table.


Do NOT let your colleagues down, by continuing to place an already HEAVY burden on them while they try to manage clients and waiting lists when you could be the solution to some of their problems. 


We all WIN when you are able to get out of your own way and start showing up where people can find you.


There are a LOT of resources for you in this post.  Don’t let overwhelmed, or fear, self-doubt and imposter syndrome stop you.  If any of this is showing up for you, now is the time to ask for help.  


You are not alone. 

There is nothing wrong with you. 

How can I help?




Being called to level up in your Private Practice?

Here is how you do it.

Thank you for joining me. I look forward to being of value to you.