by Jo Muirhead | Jul 1, 2015 | Focus, From The Desk Of Jo, Mindset, Success |
Last week I wrote a blog post 10 Life Hacks for a Successful, Sustainable and Profitable Private Practice. We all know the drudgery of being on the treadmill of our work, where we feel depleted, drained and exhausted. I know this because I lived that life for way too... by Jo Muirhead | Jun 24, 2015 | Business Growth, From The Desk Of Jo, Success |
I wonder how many of you are feeling like you are back on that treadmill of doing doing doing? You know, that place where you are so scared to stop because if you do, the idea of having to get back on the treadmill again feels harder than stopping? It’s nearly the... by Jo Muirhead | Jun 10, 2015 | From The Desk Of Jo, Success |
I am still riding on the wave of The Most Awesome Conference that was held in LaJolla, CA from 27-30 May 2015. To say this conference was impacting is quite an understatement. The ripples of change are continuing and this is so incredibly inspiring for someone like... by Jo Muirhead | Jun 3, 2015 | Business Growth, From The Desk Of Jo, Success |
Like many health professionals, I spent my early years in private practice floundering from one mistake to the next; spending way too much time on unnecessary administration and living in a state of overwhelm and perpetual burn out. I was extremely focused on my... by Jo Muirhead | May 27, 2015 | Focus, From The Desk Of Jo, Success |
Do you enjoy people watching? I do – and in this day and age I get to do it both online and offline. Watching clinicians with their marketing is quite fascinating. So many people want the new trick. The magic pill. They scour their hero’s, mentors, trainers and...