From the Desk of Jo
How My 5 Favourite People Gave Brad a System That Makes Sense (And Actually Works)
Today, we're sharing a 5 Favourite People Success story - if you'd like to learn more about growing your practice with a smart, focused strategy...
The Plight of Marketing and Sales – And Why You’re Probably Doing it Wrong
Sales. Marketing. Have you got shivers up your spine yet? Words like sales and marketing are usually enough to send any clinician into a pit of...
Calling All Control Freaks: Doing it All is Keeping You Small.
Hey there fabulous clinicians, Ever said these words before? -- If I want it done right, I have to do it myself -- I don't have time to train...
The Non Woo-Woo Guide to Managing Your Finances in Private Practice
Hey Fabulous Health Professionals, Welcome to the first part of our private practice mastery series: where we talk about more than just finding new...
So your practice is full (yay!). Now what?
Hey Fabulous Clinicians, Welcome to 2017. Before we jump into today's post, a question for you: did you play the game of choosing a "big word" for...
Breathe in. Pause. Reflect. Breathe Out.
It's the end of 2016, and I don't know if you've noticed, but there are many, many, many people who are blogging and posting and recommending that...
[Guest Post] Is this the Ultimate Guide to Word of Mouth Marketing?
Hey awesome clinicians! Natalie here, Jo’s business manager and wing (wo)man. I’ve got free reign of Jo's blog this week. (Will I use it for good or...
When Should You Say “YES” To Investing in Yourself?
Hey fabulous clinicians, Raise your hand if you've recently thought to yourself, "I should probably... maybe... go speak at a conference." Maybe...
What Part of Your Business is Sulking in the Corner Right Now?
Disclaimer: this is not the sexiest topic for a blog post. It might be one of those blog posts that you WISH you hadn’t read. But I promise, by the...
Where Are Your Self-Limiting Beliefs Hiding in Your Practice?
Think of all the reasons why you don’t have time to work on your practice right now - are there many? 10… 20… 30? Maybe you feel like….. I’m too...
Stop Wasting Your Time & Money – Your Best Marketing Tool is FREE (Seriously)
Remember last week when we spoke about how a (delicious) cupcake could you help you get new referrals? There’s something extra in that, and I...
How a Box of Cupcakes Can Help You Build Rapport and Get Referrals
Hey Fabulous Health Professionals, Today I want to share the story of what happens when clinicians get BRAVE: brave enough to make a new connection,...