by Jo Muirhead | Dec 12, 2019 | Uncategorized |
My last blog post was quite ‘educational’. I created the opportunity to speak into a couple of behaviours that have been receiving some negative attention. And these behaviours, while they might be well intentioned, are a sign of ignorance and are harmful to our... by Jo Muirhead | Dec 9, 2019 | Uncategorized |
There are some behaviours going on with health professionals that need to stop! I don’t think there is intentional malice with what is happening, but it is getting a lot of attention, it is being spoken about behind closed doors, and chances are you are maligning...
by Jo Muirhead | Nov 16, 2019 | Uncategorized, BUSINESS, Business Growth |
I had a great session with my personal mentor this week and was challenged by the fact that I have 5 working weeks until the rest of the year. 5 Working Weeks Now that got me all kinds of over- planning, which isn’t helpful, because the real issue is that I remain...
by Jo Muirhead | Oct 29, 2019 | Uncategorized |
1. Burnout is not just being tired If you have ever heard yourself saying to someone, ‘Oh you’re Burnt Out, maybe you should get more sleep.’ Please stop! Being Burnt Out is not a result of a lack of sleep. A lack of sleep suggests someone is tired. Being tired is...
by Jo Muirhead | Oct 23, 2019 | Uncategorized |
The term Burnout is a commonly used phrase in our modern-day vernacular. If a light globe suddenly gives that pop and ceases to work, we will explain that the globe has “burnt out”. When I’ve tried to grind 3 days’ worth of coffee for the office in one sitting,...
by Jo Muirhead | Oct 15, 2019 | Uncategorized |
Are you feeling tired, overwhelmed and weighed down by all the things demanding your time, energy and attention? Are you dreaming of that next holiday? You know the one where someone cleans up after you? Gosh is Christmas less than 2 months away? That feels like...