Warning – this is a tough love blog post with video

It’s time.

It’s time to talk about that stuff that we do not want to admit to.

I know you would rather me encourage, affirm and inspire you………….. and I do, and I will.

But I would not be living with integrity if I did not call you out.

In calling you out. Please know I’m calling myself out.

It’s time.


Aren’t you glad you watched this?  I hope so because I agonised of the copy and the video – I didn’t want to put this out there. I didn’t want to be this real and transparent.

It doesn’t matter if you are newly licensed, a new graduate, an old hand, been in PP for 20 years we ALL have our entrenched self-sabotaging behaviours.

We all, yes all of us have this amazing capacity to sabotage ourselves.  And it’s a lack of awareness, a lack of information, a lack of knowing what to do when it arrives that STOPS us from actioning our mindset for success.

This isn’t something you can positively think your way into.

Self-sabotage isn’t a one size fits all act. It’s the result of unique, powerful intelligent people who have learned to avoid things that are scary and possibly life threatening.

So, don’t be so hard on yourself knowing that you are sabotaging yourself.  It’s a human thing to do.

We can choose to learn more and learn how to mitigate our preferred behaviour for sabotage, or we can do nothing. We have a choice. The first step is awareness – its understanding yourself well enough to know how self-sabotage is turning up for you and that is what next week’s blog is going to discuss – how does it turn up?

I have spoken to hundreds of clinicians now, and I have a list of common ways that we like to sabotage ourselves. We are awesome at this thing called self-sabotage. It’s something we really rock at.

Now you get that a blog isn’t going to be everything you need to really address self-sabotage in your life right – you know that. After all you would not suggest to a client of yours that they should just read 1 blog post and then not return for more clinician intervention.

So, I’m just going to say it again – if this is something you want to know more about; if this is something you get is stopping you from reaching where you want to be, then let me take you through a tried, proven process. I didn’t make this up.  This isn’t some 7-step system from some self-help book – this is years of MY work, years of me understanding and applying what it is that’s really going on. This is where tough love becomes life changing. I can guarantee that it will transform how you think about yourself 😊 and with greater awareness comes the opportunity to not just change – but transform.

Go be your fabulous self – I’m here cheering you on!


PS – looking for the link to the Success Mindset Masterclass – here it is😉

Being called to level up in your Private Practice?

Here is how you do it.

Thank you for joining me. I look forward to being of value to you.