It’s October and it’s the  time of year when we start to see the goals we have not achieved looming in front of us

I’ve noticed 1 of two things usually happens when question if we can achieve our stated goals 

              1. Some become hyperactive and start over functioning trying to get goals achieved through sheer will and effort 
              2. Some go into hiding brought about by paralysis because you can’t see a way to get goals achieved by the end of the year

I see you and I want to help you understand something that’s going on that when I got it, has totally transformed the way I approach goal setting. 

It’s no secret that I don’t like SMART goals.  They worked for me for a while, but they have more often  left me feeling like I am not doing enough, not good enough and failing. 

I don’t want to feel like that 

Over the past few years I have been watching people who achieve goals, and learning from those who seem to always achieve them and often over achieve them. 

And here is what I have learned 

It’s all about CONGRUENCE

I’ve got your attention now haven’t I!?!?

Here is a popular definition of congruence, that you have probably seen before in your study and practice

CONGRUENCE  is about BEHAVING in a way that supports your words and thinking 

Let me explain 

What is likely to be happening when you are not achieving your goals is that you are NOT behaving  congruently with what you say you want. 

Here are some common examples of what I see

NOTHING will change until you make deliberate meaningful change.

Where are you being incongruent? 

I don’t ask this to shame you.  No, I want to empower you.  I want  to rid you of feeling like you are a failure because you are not achieving your goals.  And now that I’ve  experienced the power of congruence, I can’t not share it with you 

If you really want to experience the goals you have stated, then how do you need to turn up and act differently?

Being called to level up in your Private Practice?

Here is how you do it.

Thank you for joining me. I look forward to being of value to you.