A lot of health professionals get caught up with wondering if the emails they send to their list, or the social media content they create is actually annoying.

You can watch the FB live I did on this very topic right here

The good thing about this fear, is that it shows how much you care – right?  I mean if you didn’t care about how your words or actions effected people, then ummmm you wouldn’t be very caring.

You would also probably be the person who emails me 5 times a week with some amazing new offer (don’t do that please).

I have been content creating for 10 years and I still get anxious when I hit send or publish.

In the end my desire to help people far outweighs my fear that I will annoy you. Yes, it hurts when people criticize me, but on the whole I have a lot more positive experiences than I do negative ones.

So quite simply, you have to believe that what you offer is so helpful that if you don’t communicate about it or share it, then you are being in dis-service.

What is it that you need to be sharing with people, who need what it is you have to offer?

Until next time

Go be your awesome self

PS – are you wondering what the Comparisonitis challenge and workbook is that I refer to in the video –  well it’s the story of 10 health professionals who all wrote their own blog posts to help them understand how comparing ourselves to others is largely a hurtful thing to do – you can download the workbook and challenge for free: https://jomuirhead.com/overcoming-comparisonitis/

Being called to level up in your Private Practice?

Here is how you do it.

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