(Not with the fear and belief of what you can’t do because you are feeling so overwhelmed at the moment – yeah I see you)


Get your essentials clear


This year isn’t about doing what other people think you should be doing. Nor is it about success on other people’s terms.


It is about success on your terms.

Designing a year of your life that you love means getting clear about the things you truly value.


What I know to be true is that what we value comes from 4 big buckets.


1. Self

This is about You and for you. It could be your health, your time out, your learning, adventures, celebrations, or favourite things to do. This is where you make sure YOU get to fit into YOUR life.

2. Others

We are very good at this part. We excel at the other’s part of our life.

However, we are not often as intentional about this as we could be.

  • Who do you value making time for?
  • Who do you want to spend time with?
  • What do you want to spend time doing?
  • Who do you want to contribute to?
  • Who do you want to celebrate with?
  • Is there a significant event or a simple regular thing that you want to do with them?
  • If you have children, is it a holiday you want to take with them?

3. Work

Whatever your career, your job title, what do you want from your work, and what you need your work and your business to do for you?

4. Wealth

This is so much more than having enough dollars in the bank.

  • What will you do to build wealth this year?
  • How much money do you need and want?
  • How well are you feeling?
  • How will you spend your time, your energy, and your money?


Way too many planning sessions start out with great intentions, but they too quickly dive into the tactics, of the how.


The HOW is useless to us until we know the WHY

And then we know the WHAT

Before we start on the HOW

Don’t get trapped into thinking HOW, when you haven’t got your why or your what clear.

Use these questions to help you rediscover your why for 2022. Chances are it has changed or shifted

and RESIST the temptation to say ‘I can’t’ rather than “I don’t know how…yet”

Here’s to 2022 on OUR terms

Go be your awesome self


Being called to level up in your Private Practice?

Here is how you do it.

Thank you for joining me. I look forward to being of value to you.