It’s the middle of August!  

Depending on where you are in the world its the Hottest of Hot summer


It’s the coldest “will this ever end” of Winter.

Summer & Winter can have a significant impact on our cash flow if we are not prepared.


The Struggle of Summer…

In the USA and Australia alike, Summer can present some really interesting challenges.

We know that summer tends to represent vacation, holidays, and a change in routine. There are large periods of time where the school is not in session, and where working parents are trying to determine how to keep food on the table, and children are entertained without themselves feeling out of control. 

For many clinicians in private practice, you can experience a significant downturn in attendance – people are canceling appointments, no-shows might increase, and your availability might decrease, yet the people you serve aren’t available within your summer hours. 

All of this can create a sense of unease and incredible fear around money 


The struggle of Winter …

Interestingly, in Winter, we have the added bonus of often inclement weather, along with lower moods, and increased cost of living expenses, increased pressures in our schools, families, and workplaces. 

While many clinicians in private practice are battling with no-shows, and cancellations due to illness, we are also battling a sense of fatigue, exhaustion, and fear of our ability to keep going. 

There is some serious pressure on us to extend our opening hours, take on more clients than we need to, or even try and build something new from a place of exhaustion. 


It took me a couple of years to work out the impact of the calendar on my business. 

For me, as an Australian, people don’t tend to resume normal activities until the start of the school year which happens around the end of January.  

Then around Easter, the country seems to stop working for a couple of weeks. 

Between April and then the end of October is when we really need to be maximizing our serving capacity (6 months of the year) which is also our earning potential.

Because come the first week in November there is a horse race called the Melbourne Cup and pretty much the country starts to prepare for summer and holidays from race day.

Then if you are not prepared we are left scrambling trying to make bank between November all the way until February the next year (3 months). 

Do you know the natural calendar rhythms for your business?

If you’ve been in private practice for < 2 years this will be difficult, however, you also have the gift of those of us who have gone before you so you have no excuse to be prepared. 

Rather than feeling sorry for yourself that you didn’t know.

Or that the years of the pandemic lulled you into a false sense of security thinking that there will always be clients waiting to fill the cancellation spots

There are a couple of things you can do now that will help you smooth over the lumpy cash flow and ease the pressure of clinical exhaustion.  

  1. If you don’t have enough clients and worry about your cash flow, then this is the time to invest in learning how to get your phone to ring and to keep ringing with the types of people you want to be working with. 
  2. If you are exhausted and know that you need to build a new stream of income that takes you out of 1:1 service delivery then now is the time to set yourself up to successfully create a new income stream, not one that you are motivated to think about for 5 minutes. 

But Jo, how do I do this?

Well, you are not going to get the education and mentoring you need in 1 email! 

And you won’t get it in all the FREE Facebook groups where the people responding to you are also experiencing exactly the same problems. 

You need to be tried and tested techniques with real-time assistance to help you go from scared and exhausted to confident and thriving. 

My friend and colleague Partick Casale has created a 2 day intensive 

The Private Practice Summer Slump Buster Course is a 𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆, 2-𝒅𝒂𝒚, 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 designed to build a strong foundation for marketing, content creation, and networking in private practice.

PLUS create a ready-to-use-now directory page to start attracting new clients.

Patrick recently did a LIVE coaching session with one of the members of You The Entrepreneurial Clinician and his advice was simple yet profound.

And he is ONLY charging $175.00 USD per person for this two-day event – that is an unbelievable value. 

If you don’t have enough clients you need to do this training – and this is how you register

The DOORS for this event close on 17 August so do NOT delay – go now, do not stop and just get there. 

Now for those of you who are exhausted and know you need to build a new stream of income that takes you out of 1:1 service delivery then you need to jump onto my Masterclass Bundle.

In this bundle, you will receive two of my Masterclasses complete with the Q&A that took place so that you can learn 

  1. How to avoid my $100K social media marketing mistake 


      2. The #1 thing you need to do before you start your next income stream 

Thus masterclass bundle is coming to you for the price of $79.00AUD 

Imagine spending $79 so that you can avoid my $100K mistake, that’s a pretty awesome ROI don’t you think

Here’s how you access the Masterclass bundle  – 

Now that you know that there are seasonal pressures on health professionals, you can be prepared 

My question to you now is…

Are you going to do what’s needed so that you can build the freedom and flexibility that you have been craving? 

Being called to level up in your Private Practice?

Here is how you do it.

Thank you for joining me. I look forward to being of value to you.