Have you ever had a moment where you shake your head in bewilderment, at yourself? 

Your self talk might go something like this 

What the heck are you doing?


Why is this happening again? 


Why is this even a thing for me with all the work I’ve done on myself?

Yeah me too

Like this week just gone past. And this will make sense of the picture of the swimming goggle I promise. 

Last time I wrote to you I shared with you some really powerful insight into Congruence. If you did read that email you can review the blog post here 

OK let me set the scene for you… 

I’ve recently been given the OK to start swimming again. This is after 4 major surgeries to my chest and abdomen so my shoulders consequently have needed some help to learn how to be shoulders again. 

I LOVE to swim, swimming is a thing for me. It’s meditative, it gets me moving and I love the sensations of the water over my body (calming my nervous system). 

However, I grew up in a family where we made do.  Where I got the message that I was expensive and that if we could fix it, it didn’t need replacing.

So, I learned to deal with broken things, or I learned to fix things until they broke again. 

I was swimming with a pair of goggles that were scratched, leaking, and one of the straps had broken so I had tied the strap with a knot. Then when that stopped working I had used a rubber band to work as the strap. 

I would swim 1 lap, my eyes would be stinging from the pool water. I would stand up empty out the goggles and then swim back up the pool. 

I did this for 4 swim sessions.

Swimming then became a chore. It was hard work. And here is the self talk… 

But I wasn’t really swimming, it was more “ rehab”  and I wasn’t working hard – so I couldn’t possibly replace the goggles…

And funnily enough I was not experiencing the meditative effects, and the only sensory stimulation I was receiving was pain, danger, threat. 

In my resentment that something that I LOVED has become so hard I ripped off the goggles, and blamed them for my misery. 

THEN IT HIT ME. I could actually buy myself a new pair of goggles.  

I am actually worth spending $15 on, to have goggles that work and that are comfortable.

With all the time and energy and effort I spend teaching about self care, and being fit for purpose, you might think that this would be a no brainer.
But here’s the thing: 

Our self worth will always be tested when we are behaving in a way that is incongruent with what we say we want. 

First our psychology will tell us, we will start thinking that something isn’t quite right. 

And if we ignore our psychology then our physiology will tell use something is wrong – cue red, chlorine irritated eyes. 

Now it might sound like I have this sorted out and I can see all of the times when my incongruence is showing up 




Like you, I need trusted people in my world who have my back, who have earned the right to call me out on this stuff, and then guide me into new ways of thinking. 

You can’t just grit your teeth and hold your breath and expect that you will go from incongruent to 100% congruent. 

Now that I have used my new goggles, my swim/rehab/meditation/neural calming has been a lot of enjoyable. My body is working better, my mood has improved – and then I am able to care for the people in my world better. 

I’m not gritting my teeth and holding my breath waiting for the next irritation. 

So could there be incongruence turning up for you and could this be the reason why you don’t have the types of clients you want to see.

Or you haven’t completed that new income stream. 

Or you continue to burn out. 

Isn’t it time that you got this stuff sorted so you can be more of the person you need to be, who is ready and ABLE to make the significant different you were called to make in this world

Yeah I thought so – it is time for you to join You The Entrepreneurial Clinician where you can get the training and instruction you want, while you receive the mindset support you need. 

Click on the link now – there is a place just for you

Go be your awesome self 

Being called to level up in your Private Practice?

Here is how you do it.

Thank you for joining me. I look forward to being of value to you.