Ever felt like you’re banging your head against an invisible barrier? We’ve all hit those glass ceilings. Sneaky, aren’t they?


You’ve put in the hard yards, hustled your way up, and it worked for a while. Until it didn’t. I get it – been there, done that. In fact, I found a few more glass ceilings just in 2023


Here’s the kicker: hard work won’t always cut it. I tried everything: coaching, mentoring, building a team, creating courses, speaking at events – you name it. But by 2020, the pre  covid era,  even with all that, the returns started dwindling. The hustle had hit a dead end.


Maybe you’re in the same boat. When the usual fixes – more work, new strategies – don’t do the trick, it’s time to face the music. I sure did when my coach called me out on my own roadblock: the belief that only I could do things the “right” way.


Your glass ceiling? It’s personal, and it might be staring back at you in the mirror. Mine was control, and it took some tough love to see it.


When you’re stuck, it’s easy to blame external factors. But, truth bomb: most business problems are personal problems in disguise. That glass ceiling holding you back? Personal.


For me, it was control. For you, it might be security, significance, variety, or love and connection. The first step? Get out of your own way.


So, dear health professional, ready to shatter that glass ceiling in 2024? Let’s define success on your terms. Remember those recommendations from November? Now might be the time to check them out.


You’ve got this, and I believe in you.

Being called to level up in your Private Practice?

Here is how you do it.

Thank you for joining me. I look forward to being of value to you.