Welcome to Jo’s lesson in backing up her website.

You may have previously come to my website to find a page called “work with Jo” – it’s got a lot of information on it and while not perfect, it’s been a great way to continue to have a conversation with people who are interested in working with me.

Then something vomit worthy happened.

It disappeared.

That page and all the pages it was linked to completely and utterly disappeared. And, I was in LA delivering a 2-day event and then speaking at a conference. So, to not have the prime real estate of my website visible, was awful. Not to mention that I had spent a week directing people to this page on my site that was no longer there!

I didn’t realise that this had occurred until it was 2 hours prior to boarding home at LAX.  I thought it was there, before I left Sydney to travel to LA I had been using it.

However, that page got lost in the void of unfindable things in the cyberspace. Probably along with my missing socks from my dryer.

I was so grateful that I was with my good friend Nicola who was able to keep me relatively calm – because well, 15 hours stuck on a plane wondering where the hell my page had gone was going to be horrible for the other 349 passengers and crew onboard QF12.

It wasn’t easily found, but I had people who had backed up my site (have you heard me rave about Productivity Hub)?

So … we were able to find the page, and the page is now back up and live. And backing up is something that happens every single day. A website is likely to be the second biggest investment we will ever make into our businesses, so lets be sensible and wise with how we use this resource.

The moral to this story is:

Back up your website

Check your back up is working

Delegate don’t abdicate


PS – have you joined You The Entrepreneurial Clinician yet? Hmmmm a community for health professionals who want to get out of their own way to be able to do the work they love, the way they love to do it with the people they are best able to serve? Yeah, that kind of community. You can learn more here (unless of course that page goes missing, but then I’ll have a back up so sweet).

Being called to level up in your Private Practice?

Here is how you do it.

Thank you for joining me. I look forward to being of value to you.