The #1 reason why plans fail is because they are constructed backwards.

They are constructed from tactics to achieve up rather from why the plan needs to be executed down. 

This is faulty planning to plan.  

 You can read my method of writing a plan that you will achieve here.

So now that you have created a plan that has a much better chance of coming to fruition, well guess what…


We have not chiseled this into stone;

Life will happen despite our plans and sometimes because of them; 

Your plan is flexible;

You will get excited about some things, things that are not even on your radar right now;

You will also need to cut things that sound like the most amazing idea today, but in 3 months time aren’t;

Just because you change your mind – does not mean you have failed;

Just because something you thought would be great wasn’t, doesn’t mean you are a failure;

Just because something takes longer doesn’t mean you are incompetent;

Just because life can be messy and throw a dozen curve balls at you all at once, doesn’t mean you can’t do this. 


You can.  You will.


Because you are tenacious.


Because you care.


And because the world needs you. 


Now go be your amazing self  xxx Jo

Being called to level up in your Private Practice?

Here is how you do it.

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